Stage #1: Elementary school (part1)

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- Elementary school is where it all happened. This stage at the age of 10-11 was when I truly had to grow up and mature. I was so sad I had to throw my little pony,larva,mr bean,anime,yandere sim and etc out  because it was too childish, I would get made fun of for talking about my interests. Some people may think it's funny but, I don't.

I really wished that kids back then weren't so weird..and because of them im scarred for the rest of my life. I never had a best friend, someone who really, truly understood me, someone who wasn't fake. Someone to protect's always the other way around I'm the one providing all that stuff, and people never give it back. I wouldn't never knew about dicks,sex,dildos,rose toys if people set boundaries of what they talked about, people now don't care what they talk about, they just say it without understanding that someone could be uncomfortable with it.

But no, no one cares about that! After all it is cool to touch your friends in inappropriate ways and laugh it off

Don't get me wrong,if we're close like that sleeping together,hugging by waist, and holding hands is really normal for girls to do with consent, if the other person is cool with it. Slapping someone's ass, staring at someone's ass, gripping certain parts can make a person really uncomfortable and avoid u because they don't know what u might do next..

In elementary school, I always got picked on because of my forehead and I still do now. It's funny how u can do nothing to a person, not even talk or look at them and they just start spitting shit out there ass. People swear they don't have hearts sometimes, how are u okay living with yourself talking about a person EVEY. DAY. about the SAME shit.

You shouldn't make fun of someone because of there looks, if anything make fun of someone's personality of it's shit.
You never know, a person could be cutting scars on them or even crying every night as i do. And I swear to god some people don't have hearts and nit even think about how another person feels in this situation..

Elementary was a struggle, and there's more to this story, comment. Let me know how u feel, and has these things ever happened to you? If u could go back in time what would u change?

Thanks for part coming soon..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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