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They say that time heals

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They say that time heals. I strongly disagree. Time doesn't heal, you just get used to it. I did .I had to. I stare at myself in the mirror, feeling absolutely numb, as my makeup artist gets me ready for the shoot. "Ivy," my assistant , Grace calls my name as I zoned out again. "Ivy, are you listening?" "No, I zoned out, sorry," I reply, and she explains my schedule for the day. "You're done. You look like an angel," my eyes shoot up and I feel bile rising to my throat just by hearing that name . I touch my pendant, attempting to cool myself down. "Don't ever call me that," I say in a strict voice, scaring the poor girl.

Before she can reply, Grace enters. "Ivy, they are ready for your shoot and also Kaiden Marino is here to see you, Ivy," Grace says, and ladies and gentlemen, there goes my day. I feel the need to throw up just by hearing his name, but I don't show it. With a straight face, I say to Grace, "You can tell the director I'm coming for the shoot and Kaiden can go to hell," and with that, I leave to change.

After changing, I head straight for my shoot. I can feel his disgusting gaze on me, but I really don't give a fuck anymore. Just as my shoot ends, I try to rush to my room to avoid talking to him, but he beats me to it. "You look hot, my love," he says with the most disgusting smile I've ever seen. I try to keep my cool and my face still, but all I feel inside is disgust. "Stop calling me 'your love.' I am neither yours nor am I your love." "Come on, baby, don't do that. I told you it's a mistake. Besides you gave me no choice "

Five days ago, on Saturday night, he came to my penthouse. Everything was fine until he started touching me. We were two months into our relationship. I just didn't trust him enough to let him have his way with me, so I tried to softly let him down. But he didn't budge, so I clearly said no. He tried convincing me, but when I explained to him, he clearly got frustrated and ran out of the door.

The next morning, when I went to his house, the guard let me in because I've been to his house before. And thank God I did go to his house because I found a girl's dress and his clothes on the floor. Long story short, my scumbag of an ex cheated on me.

"And so was dating you," I reply with a stone-cold face. "And stop following me before I file a report about you, or better yet, I give the media the news of how you royally messed up. You know the media really loves to gossip. Your reputation will be fucked in seconds ." His smile is long gone, and hearing my words, he visibly gulps, and his anger is clearly visible.

He was never good at hiding his emotions . With a smirk, I continue, "No agency will ever hire you, no one crosses me, and you know that all too well," I say, and I turn around to leave before he yells, "You won't do it, you won't dare, you bitch." With a sickly sweet smile, I face him, "Then play a gamble and try me, my love," with a flying kiss, I return to my dressing room.


"Ivy, you have a month-long work trip with Celeste Brown in five days." Not this again. "I know, Grace, you've reminded me like ten times already." "Yes, and you'll still forget to pack for the trip." The thing about Grace is that she knows me well enough. She's been with me since the start, and only she's allowed to speak to me the way she does. I give her a mocking face, and she smiles in return, and she's not even mocking me; she just smiles at everyone. She is the epitome of a sunshine girl. After wrapping up for the day, I tell Grace that I'm going to my house, and she just smiles and waves at me. Sunshine girl, I told you.

Entering my penthouse, I take a much-needed shower, and just as I enter the kitchen, the bell rings, and at the door stands Katie and Maddie. Oh, and did I tell you that Katie is Kaiden's sister? I knew Katie before I knew Kaiden. I met her five months ago at a shoot, she was a baground actor . We became friends and then she introduced me to Kaiden, and Maddie I met through Katie. "Hello there, mate," Maddie says as she enters the house, and Katie seems pissed. I wonder why. Note the sarcasm .

"Hi Katie, how are you?" I say because I just love getting on her nerves. She thinks that the world revolves around her and that I will do anything she tells me to. I find it very sweet that she lives in delusion, but others might not. "I'm just going to say it straight, Ivy. I think you're making a big mistake letting my brother go. I mean, it was a mistake and you know it," says Katie, and now Maddie's annoyed. She hates cheaters.

"What are you talking about, Katie? What Ivy did was absolutely right. How could he cheat on her? And you told me that we are going to check on Ivy, not convince her to get back with your cheating brother." Meanwhile, they fight, I make myself a bowl of pasta, and the best part is that they are so engrossed in the argument that they don't even know that I left the room and came back.

Katie turns to me, choosing to ignore Maddie. "Ivy, I mean, it was kind of your fault, you know. If you hadn't denied him, he wouldn't have done that." "So you think it's my fault?" I say with a straight face, but inside I'm trying not to laugh because this girl is the queen of delusion. Maddie yells at her, "Katie, are you insane? It was totally her choice." Katie, choosing to ignore her comment again , faces me.

"Look, all I'm saying is that you should get back with him. It's not that late." She says getting up to leave. She eyes my pasta bowl and then looks up at me. "You shouldn't eat that. You're already gaining weight, you know." And with that, she leaves. Maddie gives me a sympathetic glance and a tight-lipped smile and leaves. And here I am, all alone with food I've lost my appetite for and a mind that I know won't cooperate.


First chapter : done
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K. Byeee


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