Why is she acting cold and ignoring me?

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*As the bell rang I got up from my seat and packed my bag as I was about to go to the door i saw Heeseung giving me death glare but I just ignore it and try to walk past him but he held me by the wrist and pulled me he said in a demading and angry voice*
Heeseung:Who was that boy with you? tell me right now
*i scoff and say*
YN:Why do u need to know it is none of your buisness and let me go
*i said trying to pull my wrist from his tight grip*
Heeseung:No,not until u tell me who was he
YN:i said it is none of your buisness now let me go and stay away from me
*i managed to pull my wrist from his grip and walk off*
*The next day during lunch time*
Felix:Yoo Heeseung is something wrong?
Jake:Yeah tell us if something is wrong
Heeseung:Guys do u know why is YN acting cold and ignoring me? it us getting on my nerves
Felix:Oh so it is about YN man im telling u just confess your feelings already to her u can't stand without her anymore
Jake:Yeah and stop trying to deny your feelings we know u love her and stop trying to deny that u like her
Heeseung:I don't know everytime i see her with that guy my blood boils and she just acts like im a stranger to her that guy is really getting on my nerves i just wanna punch him and tell him to stay away from YN but then she will be mad at me ugh i can't decide what should i do
Jake: well it is up to u now u have to decide what to do and we are here to help u and give u advice
Felix:Yeah we are here to help u make her your girlfriend

When ur cold crush pushed u away because your too clingy ( Enhypen Heeseung ff)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя