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3 weeks later After Heeseung and his team finished practicing his team then after finishing practice they headed out of the court right after they finish practicing leaving Heeseung alone Heeseung then went to the bleachers to rest when his eyes landed on his water bottle and towel FLASHBACK Heeseung POV             
YN: GO LEE HEESEUNG I LOVE YOU *u shout his name when he was practicing* he then finished practice and went to sit on the bleachers and                
YN came to help him   
YN: here is a water bottle drink it u must be thirsty
*u hand him a water bottle*  Heeseung:i have my own *says coldly*                 
YN: then let me wipe of the sweat of your forehead and neck
Heeseung: i can do it myself   YN:please let me do it
*he then remain silent and let u help him after u were done u asked him*
YN:by the way are u hungry? do u want anything like a sandwich or noodles or gimbap
Heeseung: stop asking me, it is not like u are my girlfriend or anything
YN:if only u agreed to my boyfriend *laughs*
Heeseung:as if            
YN:i still have feelings Lee Heeseung u are hurting me with you are words             Heeseung:then stay away frome me if u don't wanna get hurt by my words *he then stood up and started walking and YN also stood up and started following him*
YN:sorry but i don't want to i'll accept it whatever u say im not going stay away from u
*he smiled at the flashback*
*At lunchtime*
Felix:bro u are zoning out      Jake:Heeseung u there?
*he nudged him*
Heeseung:huh oh yeah what were you guys talking about?
Felix: *sigh* what are worrying about
Heeseung: It is about my competition that is in a week
Jake: oh that? don't worry about that we know u will win for sure
Felix:Yeah same
Heeseung:i don't know about u guys but it is making me really nervous i have never felt this nervous in my life
Felix: don't sweat it ok relax u will win ok just keep your mind cool and that is it ok
Heeseung: alright
*a week later it is the day of the competition*
Felix: nervous?
Heeseung:a lot
Jake: U have never been this nervous in all of your career of playing bascketball
Heeseung: Everything is ready but why do i feel like something is missing for some reason i don't know
Felix:u mean someone
*i look at Felix confused*
Felix: this is what im telling u
*i look where the shouting was coming from when i heard i woman voice coming i can feel my excitement going away when i saw it was Karina*
Karina:im here to cheer for u
*i smile at her weakly and sadly*
Heeseung:Thank u
*suddenly the speaker called my name which means it was my time to perform*
*a few days later*
*i am just texting my best friend Xiaoting aince she moved to a another school 5 days ago and listening to music while also listening to my classmates conversation*
CM1:hey do u know that Heeseung and his group lost the basketball game a few days ago?
CM2: yeah i do it is the first time they have lost Heeseung is the best player something seems to bother him these past few weeks
CM2:yeah i also noticed that do u know what has been going on in his mind?
CM1:no i don't
*u said in your mind*
YN:maybe me well he said clearly he doesn'tike me and never will so there is no way it is me it is probably something else
*in the library*
*Heeseung's POV*
Felix:dude u are zoning out again *i didn't answer him*
Jake:Heeseung  *he shakes him*
*Heeseung gets back to his senses*
Heeseung: ugh i can't concentrate on this assignment
Jake:why not?
Heeseung: i don't know but i think im going nuts without any reason
*I look up and saw YN with a guy that made my blood boil*
*They sit together while laughing and giggling the guy even put his hand over her shoulder i soo wanted to get and punch him soo bad but i controlled myself*

When ur cold crush pushed u away because your too clingy ( Enhypen Heeseung ff)Where stories live. Discover now