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According to my grandmother, my grandfather was really popular at their time but my grandmother didn't mind him at first.

However, my grandfather noticed my grandmother easily even if my grandmother wasn't saying anything. After that day, my grandfather ignored every girl that approaching him and started to approach my grandmother.

My grandmother said she didn't really like my grandfather back to their time, because she felt like he was arrogant.

Many months had passed and my grandmother was playing hard to get and then she suddenly noticed that few of his fan boy weren't approaching her anymore. Then one day, she asked one of his fan boy why is he not going at her house anymore to visit, then that man answered that her boyfriend were mad that they're visiting my grandmother's house. But without knowing that my grandmother had no boyfriend since birth, because she was too focus at her studies. Then she asked again, what he looked like, then the man answered again, he was referring to my grandfather.

My grandmother was mad and confronted him . She asked him what is his problem, why is he bothering her. My grandfather didn't mind and talk calmly. My grandmother thought that they will but they didn't. My grandfather just talk calmly and walk with her back to her house.

Starting that day my grandfather always went to my grandmother's house and always doing her family's chores. He cleans her clothes, he cleans her house, he did everything to make my grandmother a princess. Many years had passed and my grandfather does the same thing every day.

My grandmother back then, slowly falling for him. The more my grandfather came to her parent's house to help, her chest was pounding and she doesn't even know why.

After months, my grandmother finally graduated and had a work. My grandfather was a captain military when my grandmother had a work. So my grandfather wasn't always around but he was still making efforts to help her parents and to take care of her.

One day had come, and my grandfather informed my grandmother that he will go on a vacation at a far place. He asked if my grandmother's brother wants to come with him, my grandmother's brother insisted that he'll go with my grandfather.

Days has passed and my grandmother had been questioning herself what is happening to her, why is she bothered when my grandfather's wasn't around. And finally she realized that she fell in love with my grandfather.

After my grandfather and her brother arrived, my grandmother's excitement reached to the ground, and she hugged the two of them. My grandmother's brother looked at my grandmother with suspicion. Then after my grandmother's brother went inside of their house, my grandmother confessed her feelings for him and my grandfather didn't hesitate to hug her.

They been together for like 3 years and got married. They had my uncle first.

My grandparents love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin