The Tavern

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The rich, enticing aroma of alcoholic beverages swirls around me as I draw in a deep breath, allowing the familiar scent to fill my senses. With a satisfied exhale, I revel in the comforting atmosphere of the tavern as we step through the entrance, the lively chatter and clinking glasses creating a vibrant backdrop to our arrival.

"This place feels like home!" I exclaim enthusiastically, raising my voice to be heard over the bustling ambiance.

With a hearty laugh, I release Drax's hand and take the lead, guiding him forward through the throng of patrons. My fingers linger on his forearm, a subtle gesture of connection as we navigate our way to the bar.

Leaning in eagerly, I extend my hands towards the bartender, anticipation coursing through me. The bartender, his expression friendly and welcoming, turns to face us, a worn rag in hand.

"Hey there, what'll it be?" he asks, his tone casual yet attentive.

"Do you happen to have any rum?" I inquire, hoping for a taste of the familiar that might evoke memories of my old haunts on Earth.

"Hmm... rum..." he murmurs, scanning the array of bottles behind him before selecting one and presenting it to me.

"Sorry, no rum, but how about this?" he offers, presenting a bottle of Spirytus for my consideration. "Will this suffice, human?" he adds, a note of curiosity coloring his voice.

My eyes light up with delight at the sight of the rare Spirytus, a beverage scarcely found in my old stomping grounds on Earth, let alone in Eta Selva.

I laugh, the excitement evident in my voice. "Absolutely!" I exclaim eagerly, my eyes lighting up at the prospect of trying the potent beverage.

Drax leans over my shoulder, his expression concerned as he points to the label indicating the high alcohol percentage. "Ninety-six percent? Isn't that a lot for humans..." he ventures, worry creasing his brow.

"It'll be fineee!" I reassure him with a playful grin. "Just a shot!" I request, turning back to the bartender.

"Sure thing," the bartender confirms with a wink, pouring the drink and sliding it over to me. "And for you, sir?" he asks, addressing Drax.

"Oh, uh, nothing for me, I've had plenty," Drax declines, his gaze fixed on me as I down the first shot without hesitation.

I shake off the burn of the alcohol and motion for another, the thrill of the moment spurring me on. The bartender obliges, sliding the drink across the counter to me.

"Shouldn't one be enough, Shelby?" Drax questions, his tone laced with concern as he watches me reach for the second shot.

I signal for yet another, but before I can take it, Drax swiftly intercepts the glass, downing the contents himself.

"That's enough, Shelby," he says firmly, his grip gentle yet firm as he takes hold of my arm.

I pout, feeling the effects of the alcohol beginning to cloud my judgment. "Oh, what was that for?" I protest, pulling my arm away dramatically.

"You didn't need that third shot," Drax explains sternly, guiding me towards the door.

I scoff, crossing my arms in defiance as I walk ahead of him. "And how do you know I can't handle my alcohol?" I challenge, a pang of guilt tugging at my conscience for deceiving him about my tolerance.

"Volmerian liquor affects humans opposite to human liquor. Considering your lack of inebriation after the many glasses you downed at dinner, I could easily assume you were a lightweight," Drax explains, his voice laced with intelligence as he stops me in my tracks and spins me around to face him.

I'm left speechless, my expression blank as I absorb his words, my eyes widening slightly as I meet his gaze. His arms are crossed, his posture firm yet gentle, a testament to his confidence in his assessment.

He nods at me knowingly, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips, his eyes gleaming with amusement. He knows he's made his point, and I can't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment at being called out so astutely.

With a resigned sigh, I lower my gaze momentarily before we resume walking. Drax's soft laughter fills the air, and he places a reassuring hand on my back, guiding me along the bustling streets as the effects of the Spirytus begin to set in.

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