ii. have i ever told you how much i love you?

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nice to see you again, sweetheart.

song of the day ::

looking out for you - joy again

❛ i guess i should start.. looking out for you! just like i always do.


"(name), hunny, wake up." your mother, tina, called out, her tone wasn't as cheerful as it was when she first told you guys. it was obvious she was a little upset at your reactions, but really--- how sad could one get over that?

"huh? what..?" you mumbled, your voice groggy from just waking up. you blinked a few times to clear up your vision.

your brother sighed, looking at you through his peripheral vision. "moving, remember? does the word moving ring a bell?"

his voice was agitated, he hated moving. it was actually something that  he came to you about, stage fright. moving as many times as you guys did was a pain, it made his anxiety 10x worse, and now you guys are in a completely different state, you felt sorrow for him. you really did.

you had no idea why they told your mother on such a short notice, both you and lukas agreed it was strange, and a little bit suspicious. but out of all, it was infuriating. you got zero sleep the night prior because you were going through one hell of a rollercoaster of emotions. i mean, that's kind of the norm for you, though. but still, my point still stands.

you sighed at the reminiscence of her asking you guys, trying to be a bit more high in spirits, but it was kind of your thing to be a hater. like, plus it's moving--- both you and your brother, on multiple occasions, expressed your hatred for moving. but i guess she never really took that into consideration, huh? this time, you didn't exactly blame her for it. i mean, it's a job, who wants to loose their job when they have two bratty little kids to take care of?

you looked outside of the front windshield, your mother speeding past a sign reading 'south park'. that's a really fucking stupid name. you thought, your gaze averting to your shoes. you were really upset about having to move, and you moved to such a different area. you wanted to break down crying at this very moment, but no, but no. you stayed silent, it'd be kind of embarrassing to start crying right now anyway.

"aw, come on, sugarplum. flip that frown upside down! you'll love this place, it's a very nice area." your mother reassured, smiling at you through the rearview mirror. though, you looked away from her quicker than you looked at her; her words weren't enough to help this situation. sure, maybe you were overreacting a bit, but you didn't even have time to say goodbye to your BEST. FRIEND.

you sighed, deciding the better idea would be to respond to your mother. it was rude to not respond to other people, and you hated when it would happen to you, so you spoke-- your words quite desolate.

"uhh.. yeah, right.." you reluctantly agreed, averting your gaze to the ground once again--- tired of looking at this old, hankey' jankey snow town.

after going down many turns, having to turn around, and quiet insults, your mother finally found the house you guys were gonna live in; it wasn't that bad looking. it was two stories tall, it was this blueish-teal color, it was a lot different than your older house. you weren't very sure if you were gonna like it here, all these new things to do and say? maybe running away would've been the better option.

"(name)! for the five thousand, eight hundred, and tenth time, get your lazy butt out of this darn van and help us!" tina randomly snapped, well it really wasn't that bad because she has a low temper.. and like never cusses. she really isn't all that intimidating.

eternal reawakening ; south park x reader ♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora