Part two of the elemental wolves: frostbite.

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We eventually found Voltt castle, it was heavily guarded so it was hard to get in "HALT IN THE NAME OF HIS AND HER MAJESTY!" the guard shouted "Name and business with the royal family" "Hello I'm Princess Winter of Arctacia, this is Magma, daughter of flame khan and Queen rosette, This is raven, The princess of the Shadow Lands, and this is Skylar, princess of Turbine Heights. we seek Her Majesty Princess Lumeni as we need to speak with her. "no Shadowlanders in the castle, you can go Your Majesty but the others must stay out here." the guard responds, he then escorts me to the throne room where the vain princess was sitting, looking in a mirror combing her fur, "what's this peasant doing in MY throne room, I just had my throne reupholstered so don't get your filthy paws on it." I scoffed at being called a peasant, "She is no peasant, Your Highness, she is the Princess of Arctacia, she said she needs to have a word with you." "Make it quick please, this fur won't comb itself" she replies, still not looking down from the mirror, "Hello Princess Lumeni" I start "Your kingdom may be in danger, The Shadow Lands are trying to colonise every other kingdom, please come with me and other princesses to retrieve the other princesses and fight the shadowlands, we would love to have you along the journey." "Sorry, I don't wanna get my fur dirty, I JUST washed it so... fighting will get dirt on it, and anyways you bore me so, GUARDS!!!!" she says and I am escorted out.

 "How did it go?" magma asks "Terribly, she isn't coming" I reply "THAT SNOBBY LITTLE-" Raven says "Magma covers her mouth, "easy now Raven," she says. "I can't believe it," I said "Neither can I" Skylar replied. "just the four of us I guess," Raven said "No, we need to find the other princesses, and we aren't giving up on Lumeni, give me a shot at it," Magma says confidently "fine" the guard escorts her to Princess Lumeni "Ugh it's raining visitors" she replies "hello your Majesty," says Magma "I am princess Magma of The Blaze Plateau, we need you and your electricity powers for a higher purpose, please come with us and defeat the Shadow Lands king. If not for us, then at least for Mt Lumenwatt and the other kingdoms." "Why should I help you?" Lumeni sneers. "Because if you don't your kingdom is going to be colonised, you don't want your people in chains, Your Highness, do you? Make the choice, come and save the kingdom, or sit here and watch your kingdom burn, your choice" Magma shoots back. And it was enough for Lumeni to come."That's what's going to happen if I stay..." she says "Maybe, but I wouldn't take the chance if I were you." Magma replies, and Lumeni comes with them, buying a horse with sparks, the currency of Mt Lumenwatt.

 We then left for Riverland Bay, where we could find Crystal the Water Princess. We went off towards turbine heights, as we would have to cut through it to get there quicker, Skylar was her usual self: Annoying, and Lumeni was no better, She would constantly complain her back was aching from riding or that she would be doing her makeup by now, she was a pain in the lower back, this was going to be a long 2 hours... we then arrived and had to get into Splashine castle, they let us in and crystal was sitting on her beautiful aqua throne, "Hello winter, Raven, Magma, Lumeni, and Skylar." Crystal says "Good afternoon Your Majesty, we would like you to join us in restoring peace in the eight kingdoms, please join us" "I would join you, but my kingdom can't be left without a ruler, what if something happens and I'm not here to help my people" a council member entered "Your Majesty, go with them, we will look after the people while the shadowlands have your parents and you help restore peace." "Ok I will go, I'm just not that sure," Crystal replies to the council member. And she buys a horse with waterdrops to join us, we're going to sunvale to get sunny, the happy-go-lucky light princess.

 Crystal set Lumeni and Skylar straight so we didn't have to endure their antics. After an unusually calm 5 hours, we got to sunvale, we had to be tested for weapons to get in but apart from that it wasn't hard to get to Sunny, Magma went in to talk to Sunny as they've known each other forever. "Hi sunny!" she says "How are you Magma!!!!" she replies "I'm good, you?" "Great!" she replies " "please come with us on our quest to restore peace to the kingdoms" Magma persuades "Of course Maggie!" she playfully replies "Please don't call me Maggie" 

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