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september 2nd 2023


The group of nine had been outside in the lake for most of the day after lunch, which means none of them had been on their phones besides the random picture taken. That being the deal, none of them had heard the knocking on the front door that had been incessant for fifteen minutes. When the person finally got fed up with knocking, he started looking around the house to see if he could see inside, having no luck, he walked around back and heard the sound of people yelling.

Smiling to himself, Jaden, began walking down the steps toward the dock, trying to spot his girlfriend. Emma had been atop Chris' shoulders, trying to push Emilie off Nick's shoulders. Jaden's grip on the flowers tightened at the sight of his girlfriend on another guy's shoulders. He knew he would rather not have it out with her in front of all of her friends, so he was hoping she'd take them somewhere private once he had revealed himself.

Standing at the edge of the dock, no one had noticed him yet, but as Chris set eyes on the boy standing on the dock, fully dressed, with flowers in hand he yelled out, "Who the fuck are you?"

With Chris' exclamation, everyone looked where the boy was looking, finding Jaden at the edge of the dock. Emma's body went numb as she fell out of Chris' grip and fell into the water, causing the group to wade over to her to make sure she was alright. Once she had coughed the water that was in her lungs up, she looked up at Jaden with a blank face as she questioned him, "What are you doing here?"

"Wanted to see you," Jaden spoke as the girl's expression didn't change as she lifted herself up onto the dock and faced the boy.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Emma said as she looked back at her friends in the water, seeing them all watching their interaction, "We need to talk."

"Yeah, we do," Jaden said as he followed behind the girl back toward the cabin after she grabbed her towel off the table on the dock.

The couple stopped on the back porch, thinking they were far enough from the prying eyes of her friends and Emma didn't want to drip lake water all over the inside of the cabin. Little did they know the couple was being watched like a hawk by the girl's friends, just in case they needed to intervene. Mostly it was Lucas, Xander, and Eli who kept their eyes locked on the pair knowing that it could get bad, the rest of them didn't know their relationship like the three did.

"What do you want, Jaden?" Emma sighed as she sat at one of the tables on the back deck.

"These are for you," Jaden said as he held out flowers that had seen better days, some falling over as he held them upright, "I'm sorry I didn't come yesterday even if I don't like your friends. It's obvious I should've come, since you're all over those fucking other guys."

Emma rolled her eyes at the flowers and the words coming out of her boyfriend's mouth, "What like you were all over that girl last night? I don't even know why you came today when you were perfectly fine with her."

"How many times do I have to say we are just friends and I just had to get that close so she could hear me," The boy groaned already tired of the circles they were running in just wanting to get this part over with, and she forgave him.

"And Chris and I are only friends but actually just friends not whatever you and that girl are," The girl scoffed as he threw the flowers he was still holding on to the table.

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