Ch.10: All Comes Crashing

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"Wedge!" Aerith called. "Seventh Heaven us just down this road, isn't it?" "Head straight and look right. You can't miss it!" "Don't worry about me." "Alright, I'll get these people to safety!"

Aerith rushed towards the bar, warning the many people standing around looking at the battle fought within the pillar. "You all have to get out of Sector 7! Now! Please!" "Slow down!" Exclaimed Marle. "Do you know what's going on? What do they want with the pillar?" "Well, there's still time, but..." "They're going to drop the plate on us?" "Yes." "Those sons of bitches!" Shouted a resident. "What good do they think that'll do?" Asked another. "Feel free to cry about it later!" Began Marle. "Right now, we need to get everyone to safety." "Wait, the watch should clear the roads first." Suggested a resident. "Ah, good thinking. Hop to it!" The crowds began to disperse, calling out to those they could find to evacuate the slums. "Avalanche, I take it?" Marle questioned Aerith who shook her head. "Just a friend wanting to help." "Tell Tifa to lay low. We'll take care of things here." Aerith nodded as she continued towards the bar. "LOOK OUT!" Cried a resident as a Shinra copter crashed into the pillar, losing control and spiral down towards the center of town. The plane crashed before Aerith and exploded, knocking her over. "Ow... Marlene..." Aerith found another way across the rubble and arrived at Seventh Heaven.

Upon entering the building, she heard crying from behind the bar and cautiously made her way towards the sound. "You're Marlene, right?" The small girl looked up with red puffy eyes. "Who... who are you?" "I'm... a friend. Of Tifa's!" "Um... where is she?" "Right now, she's with Y/n and the others." "Daddy too?" "You mean Barret? Yep. He's there too." "Wait... Daddy's not coming home?" "Not yet. That's why I came to find you. Tifa asked me to. She said, take care of Marlene. The thing is, this place isn't safe now. I'm gonna take you somewhere safer, okay?" Aerith extended her hand. Marlene whimpered as her body shook with fear. "Are they gonna destroy the bar? Are they gonna destroy our house?" Aerith opened her arms which Marlene slowly approached her, allowing Aerith to hug her. "I know it's hard. Just remember, you still have your daddy. You can build a new home together. Anywhere. Shall we go?" Marlene began to cry and hugged Aerith as tight as she could. "You smell nice." Marlene said, wiping away her tears. "Oh?" "Like... like our flower." Marlene took her hand and lead her towards a vase with a blue flower.

" Marlene took her hand and lead her towards a vase with a blue flower

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"A Sylleblossom." Aerith gasped. "It's beautiful." She turned to Marlene. "You wanna take it?" The girl nodded and picked up the small vase and carried it while using her other hand to hold Aerith's.

As they headed towards the door, a beaming light flashed through the windows. The chopper descending caused the building to shake. The door opened, revealing a man with long black hair and a matching suit.

 The door opened, revealing a man with long black hair and a matching suit

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