Part øne, the sight

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Tyler pulled a heavy door of a little local record shop just a few blocks away from his house. Stepping inside, he glanced around, taking it all in.

He was soaking wet with sweat after his basketball training... but he refused to take a shower at school with all the dudes from the team. He didn't want them to see his painful secrets all around his slender body. He'd rather stink a bit than expose his true self to those guys.

"Hi..." Tyler almost shitted his pants at the unexpected voice. He turned around, sight landing on a quite tall guy with a wild mop of colourful curls. They probably shared some classes, Tyler thought, scanning the guy from head to toe.

"...d-do you need any help?" the boy asked, trying to sound somewhat friendly but coming off rather unsure and hesitant.

"Uuhmmmm..." he muttered, looking quickly around the record shop.

"Y-y-you're Tyler, right?" he attempted a genuine smile, but it seemed almost forced.

"Yeah" Tyler nodded as he tried to remember this guy's name, "You're... ummm J-John...?" he guessed hesitantly.

"Josh, actually" Josh corrected Ty, with a short chuckle, awkwardness hanging in the air betweent the two.

"Oh..." Tyler sighed, cheeks flushed with embarrassment,"so do you umm like work here or something?"

"Yep... s-so i-if you need l-like help, I-I can... help..." Joshua swallowed hardly and then walked off behind an old counter.

Tyler blinked twice before turning browsing thru records. He picked one to check the price tag and frowned as he put it back down almoat immediately. He did this several times and then decided to rather go home.

Sitting in his car, Tyler glanced up to see Josh taking trash out of the shop. He noticed Ty sitting in his car and gave him a quick smile before turning his head away. Tyler quickly looked down, pretending not to notice before driving off, mentally preparing for a painful post-practice shower ahead of him.

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