Chapter 22

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I woke up too shouting, it was Angelica. She was on the phone to who i believe is her brother. "What do you mean he took her!?" She shouted down the phone. Who took who?

She walked back in the room a couple minutes later crying her eyes out. I jumped up and hugged as she fell to the floor crying. "Princess whats wrong?" I say scared.
"He has my mum," she says in between her sobs.
"Who has your mum," i say holding her close to my chest.
"Voldermort!" She screams, she sounds terrified but angry. I was shocked I didn't know.
"Did you know he was gonna take her?" She said to me.
"No!" I say. How could she think that?
"Why are you lying to me?!" She shouts at me standing up.
"I'm not!" I say accidentally raising my voice. She flinched as i shouted. "Shit I'm sorry,"
She ran out the room and slammed the door.

I ran out following her. She ran into the common room where everyone was and sat down, i went and sat next to her. She didn't say a word. "Are you okay? Im sorry," i said. She ignored me. "What did you do?" Pansy said hugging angel.
"I accidentally shouted at her, but i swear it was an accident," i said
"Fuck sake mattheo," pansy said. I just rolled my eyes. Honestly, it's none of her fucking business. She pushed pansy off her and grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the room.

I stumbled as i was getting dragged by her. She laughed as i face planted the floor. I looked up at her and laughed. I stood up and she took my hands in hers. "Im sorry, i know you didn't know i was just angry and took it out on you," she said.
"Im sorry too," i said pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back instantly.

We were hanging out in the courtyard. "If you want i can go see if she is alright?" I say.
"Please, I'm so worried." She said.
"Okay yeah thats fine, go to the common room and if anyone asks just say i went for a smoke, I'll be back before the evening," i said hugging her.
"Okay," she said hugging me back.
"I love you," i said.
"I love you," she said.

I apparated to riddle manor.

I pushed the double doors open and walked in. "What are you doing here?" My older brother growled at me. "Nice to see you too mate," i said.
"Cut the shit, why are you here," he said pinning me against a wall.
"Tom get the fuck off me," i said pushing him off.
"Sorry, why are you here?" He said.
"Is Esmerelda here?" I said.
"Yes, she is in the dungeons but dad's there," he said.
"I need to see if she is okay, why is she even here Tom?" I ask annoyed.
"Dad wanted to find a way of punishing you for having a girlfriend, he thinks your weak, and his way of punishing you is by punishing your girlfriend," he said quietly.
"1 she has a name, 2 whats he going to do with her?" I ask. He went silent.

Fuck. I started to run down the corridor where the stairs are. "Mattheo stop!" Tom shouted.
"No! He is gonna kill her!" I shouted.
"Mattheo, he isn't, yet, he wants Angel to watch him kill her. Is she here? No. So he isn't gonna kill her yet," he says grabbing me.
"He won't ever kill her!" I shouted pushing him off me.

I ran down to the dungeons as Tom followed behind. I barged in the room and saw Esmerelda tied up and my father stood in front of her. "Let her go!" I shouted. She smiled sadly at me. I smiled back. "Hello son," he said. God i hated when he called me that.
"Leave her the fuck alone," i shouted.
"Sorry i tried to keep him away," tom said.
"Tom get out, leave me and your foolish brother alone," he said. Tom slowly walked out.
"Why do you need her?" I said referring to Esmerelda.
"Because, you are weak! Your girlfriend is a distraction! If i kill her, your girlfriend will hate you!" He shouts.
"Fucking let her go, otherwise i will kill you and your stupid death eater army!" I shout. He blasts over pushing me against a wall. "You will never talk to me like that!" He spat.
"Fuck off!" I said. He threw the crucio curse at me. I should get used to the pain but I don't. It feels the same every time. My screams filled the manor. "Mattheo!" Esmerelda shouts.
"Shut it!" My father shouts at Esmerelda as he put his wand away.

I tried standing up. "You'll be safe i promise," i said as i apparated away.

Fuck. I shouldn't have apparated, i was really dizzy.

I walked in the common room holding onto things as i was gonna faint, i still had cuts all over me from my father. "Mattheo! Wait what happened?" Everyone says running over.
"I-i," thats all i got out before i fainted.


He fainted and i ran to him. I knelt beside him freaking out. "Fucking hell," draco says.
"Angel, where did he really go? He clearly didn't go for a smoke," enzo shouted kneeling next to his bestfriend. "He went to riddle manor," i whispered.
"What! Why?" Everyone shouted.
"Because voldermort has my mum," i said as a tear fell from my eye.

Enzo carried mattheo to miss pomfrey. She gave him some healers cream and he woke up and everything was good.

He still hasn't told me what happened there though.

A/N oops
Sorry idrk what this is

The Slytherin PrinceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora