4. you can't always get what you want

Start from the beginning

The first thing Peyton said to Karen was that the girls were sorry that Karen and Larry didn't work out. For Emma, there was no problem. From all the stories and the way Ethan talks about the women, Emma hopes that Karen and Keith will get together soon. It's obvious that the girl is rooting for her father's happiness too.

Peyton told Karen her idea, and the woman encouraged Peyton to go for it.

Just as the girls were leaving, Peyton had one arm linked with her sister's and looked at her.

"Emm's, if I can make this crazy dream happen. Would you sing in the club?" Peyton asked.

"It would be my honor to sing at your club, sis." Emma said, looking at her sister with a smile.


When Emma arrived at school and saw Ethan talking to Nathan, she ran over to the two boys.

"My favorite Scott's boys." Emma said, smiling and linking her hand with Ethan's.

"I should be your only favorite Scott, Pompons." Ethan said, pulling his girlfriend with the hand that held the girl's.

"Get over, Ethan." Nathan said smiling. "You're my favorite Swayer, Emm's." Nathan muttered.

The three teenagers walked towards where Haley was talking to a guy none of them had seen before. The three teenagers greeted the boy. Nathan didn't seem to like the guy very much and left with Haley. Emma looked at her sister uncomprehendingly, while Ethan held the girl's hand.

"She's not pregnant, but they are married." Emma listened to Mouth explain to the new guy.

Felix looked Emma up and down, while Emma didn't seem to be paying attention to Felix, as she was looking at her sister trying to understand what she was trying to say, just moving her lips without a sound coming out, and before anything could come out of Felix's mouth.

"I think you'd better think carefully about what you're going to say if you want to keep having all your teeth in your mouth, new guy." Ethan said.

Ethan took the opportunity to leave with Emma by his side.

"Ethan, what was that?" Emma asked.

"Emma, he looked you up and down as if you were an exposed piece of meat." Ethan explained. "And I bet what was going to come out of his mouth was going to be something even more disrespectful." Ethan said.

"Emm's, I promise I'm not being a possessive freak. I just didn't like the way he looked at you." Ethan explained, stopping in front of the girl and running his hand through his own hair, messing it up.

"It's okay, E." Emma assured the boy. "I believe you."


Emma, Brooke and Haley were looking at clothes in a store while waiting for Peyton to come out of the fitting room. Emma and Brooke heard Haley say that Nathan had given her a keyboard as a present, but that they were saving the money for a car.

"But did you like the present, Hales?" Emma asked.

"Well, yes, but..." Haley began.

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