3. near wild heaven

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 Tree Hill

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Tree Hill

(based on season 2)

Ethan and Lucas had been asked by Haley to go to Nathan's bachelor party. Ethan didn't understand why he was there, or why Nathan was having a bachelor party now. Lucas tried to explain that it was Tim who had started the whole thing, but that Haley and the girls would have their own party.

The two boys arrived at Nathan's apartment and Lucas knocked on the door.

"Oh, it's just you guys." Tim said and went to the counter where Haley had left some change for them to give to the stripper.

Lucas sat in the corner of the sofa and Nathan was in the other corner, letting Ethan sit between the two of them.

"What's wrong with Tim?" Lucas asked, seeing the sad boy near the table.

"Don't take it personally. He thought you guys were the stripper." Nathan explained, causing Ethan to laugh.

"We prefer to be called exotic dancers." Lucas said.

"I can try, but I don't think he'll like it." Ethan recounted.

The boys heard another knock on the door and Tim rushed to answer it. But it wasn't Tim's long-awaited stripper, it was one of Nathan's work colleagues.


Emma, Peyton, Brooke and Haley were in a limousine that Brooke had rented. Haley could hardly believe it, the girl had no idea what Brooke had planned.

Brooke offered champagne, making Haley even question how expensive it would all be.

"Who cares? It's on my dad's credit card." Brooke explained laughing.

Haley said that the last time she had been drinking, she had thrown up in Dan Scott's lap. Emma burst into laughter with the girls.

Haley said she was grateful for the normal bachelorette party, Brooke glanced at the girls in agreement. Haley should have known better than to expect anything ordinary from Brooke Davis.


Ethan and the boys were in the living room of Nathan's apartment. Ethan, Nathan and Lucas were sitting on the floor. Tim and Gary, Nathan's work colleague, were on the sofa. Gary started reading something from a magazine.

"When your boyfriend kisses you, he: A..." Gary read.

"What the hell are you reading?" Lucas asked.

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