Chapter 1

250 5 0

year X772


my mom (D/N) and I are going to visit one of her friends a few miles from here! I think she called him Igneel? yeah that's it,she said he's the king of fire dragon's! he sounds so cool! but I wonder what I'm going to be doing while they're talking....I hope it's not boring...


Normal POV

(Y/N) and (D/N) have landed,(D/N) starts talking to Igneel

"hey there fire breath" (D/N) jokes.

"oh there you are (D/N) you kept me waiting" Igneel retorts back.

"sorry about that,my child was taking her time getting ready" (D/N) says apologetically.

 Igneel gets confused "you have a kid?!"

"sure do! say hello (Y/N)" (D/N) replies confidently.


"sure do! say hello (Y/N)"

I was nervous but I stayed myself

"hello sir! nice to meet you!" I bow like mama taught me

Igneel laughed at me "no need to be so formal little one you can just call me Igneel

I looked up at him in shock "really?"

Igneel laughed again "of course,now then (D/N),(Y/N) I'd like you to meet my son come here Natsu..."

I see a pink haired boy come from behind Igneel, he has a scaly scarf around his neck but he's not wearing a shirt for some reason that made my face feel warmer

Igneel interrupted my thoughts "this is Natsu, I found him a while back wandering the forest"

mama looked mad "and you didn't tell me?!"

Igneel retorted "well you didn't tell me you had a daughter" then they start retorting each other back and forth which gives me the chance to talk to this boy

"Hi! I'm (Y/N)!" I put my hand out in front of him for a handshake "Nice to meet you Natsu!" he looks human that mom taught me about and since we have that in common I feel confident enough to open up to him 

"Nice to meet you too (Y/N)!" then he high fives my hand, which is not what I was expecting, and he hit my hand so hard it turned red "that really stings!" I start blowing on my hand trying to cool it down

"oops...sorry!" he scratches the back of his head " I guess I don't know my own strength!"

my face warms up again, why does it keep doing that?! "i-it's fine!"  did I just stutter?! what is happening to me?! 

then Natsu talks again "so your mom is (D/N)?"

"yeah! she's teaching me (element) DragonSlayer Magic!"

"that's cool i'm learning Fire dragonSlayer magic!"

"can you show me some?"

Natsu smirks "sure thing! FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!" 

he punches a rock making it shatter

"THAT'S SO COOL!!!" I was ecstatic! i've never seen anything like that!

"can you show me some of yours (Y/N)?"

I freeze, I'm not very confident with my magic I've only just started training

"I-I'm not sure I can...I only just started a month ago,,,"

he puts a hand on my shoulder making my face heat up

"that's alright you don't have to show me now if you don't want to but you have to promise to show me someday,deal?" he puts a fist out

I don't know what to do to the fist he is showing me "umm why are you showing me your fist?"

Natsu looks shocked "you don't know how to fist bump?"

I shake my head

"i'll teach you then! put your fist out like mine."

I do so then he punches my fist,carefully this time,then grins "and that's how it's done! so do we have a deal or not?"

I nod "it's a deal!" I fist bump him this time

normal POV 

and that's how Natsu and (Y/N) met, after that meeting (Y/N) asks (D/N) if she can visit once a week and (D/N) agrees only if (Y/N) trains harder than ever in which (Y/N) agrees.


Natsu X Reader: The Day We MetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora