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eyes wide open

we ended up getting through the first scene, more or less.

the first thing we ran into once madeline left was finding that the tin foil on the sandwiches somehow opened. so naturally, we had a sword fight with it since there was no way we would be eating jamie-style. of course, walker won. he had practice because of the percy jackson series.

then, the wifi crapped out on us. the script wouldn't load. but what did i expect? we were outside a school in a wooded area. walker and maeve had to talk from memory, so it half worked out.

what made us call it quits was the impending renewal of the bad luck streak. just as i said the last "action!" ( which made me feel so professional ), a gust of wind pushed over the flash kit. it was offensive, really. the glass shattered, and if i didn't have that big bandage still on my palm already, then i would have gotten sliced. for a few seconds after that happened, we all kind of just looked at each other, before i sighed and gingerly collected the shards.

"why don't we just go get lunch," i asked, dumping the shards in the school's trashcan.

maeve pretended as if nothing had happened. "yeah... we could go to starbucks? they just released a new drink."

"could we go somewhere less crowded," walker asked candidly. i had somehow forgotten that he was famous for a while, that he wasn't just some cute boy i had made friends with surprisingly fast. he was smart for thinking of that, because if we went to a place like starbucks, there would be a swarm of even more clones of madeline. "if that's good with you guys," he added.

"we could go to the bagel store," i suggested. i was referencing the one right by my house, one, because it's right by my house, and two, because it's almost always dead in there.

"sounds good. we can also drop off the camera and stuff at yours beforehand," said walker.

we packed up ( what was left of ) the equipment into evenly divided groups so we could all carry it. the route to my house was a meandering obstacle course of suburban turmoil, but i knew it and i loved it. and by the time we walked through the gate, the sun had reached its zenith and the warmth brought me back to the days i used to walk home from school in the spring. winter was taking too long.

𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨, 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 ( 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙡 )Where stories live. Discover now