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death stares

the room was dead silent. mrs fennel got up from her seat abruptly. "alright class," she said, clapping her hands once. "we're going to do partner work today." i heard some girls scoff with disappointment. i glanced to where that odious sound came from, and i received probably some of the most harsh death stares. they were looks of pure jealousy -- the way their noses crinkled, the impressive curvature of their eyebrows in disgust. it was honestly laughable.

"everyone, turn to your neighbor and review what we learned on friday. i'll stop you in twenty minutes," she sat back down with an unpleasant expression. she looked so done. for once i actually related to her.

maybe i watched too many movies, but i was surprised that she didn't make walker stand up and introduce himself. i suppose she had heard all the chatter. everyone knew who he was already. maybe the displeased look on her face was rooted from the fact that all the attention wouldn't be on her today, or probably anytime soon.

i turned toward walker. he was staring at the clock. i wracked my brain for what to say to the beautiful person beside me. i knew he could see me looking at him in his peripheral vision. but oh my. i remember seeing him in trailers for that percy johnson show or whatever it was called -- something about greek mythology. i have to say that casting was great, because this man looks like he was sculpted by the gods.

"time goes slow in this class, just warning you," i said, with immediate regret afterward. i could have come up with anything better. just warning you? are you kidding me, y/n?

he faced me now. we made awkward, emotionless eye contact for a few seconds. i wonder what he was thinking. like me, i guess, he had a knack for keeping a straight face even when, inside, you could be screaming or laughing. but then i reminded myself, he's a fucking actor. of course i can't read him.

"oh, thanks," he replied with a tight smile. those dimples will be the death of me. i turned forward again with a shameful sigh. he continued, "so, uh. i kind of wasn't here for the first half of the year. what are we reviewing?"

i turned back toward him to let him know, but ... poof, there went all the knowledge of the past week of my life. i blinked, scanning the room for some sort of visual reminder. all i saw were people staring at us. ugh, could i just crawl under the table and disappear for the next 45 minutes?

just ignore them, i told myself. i swung my head back around with a forced grin and made something up on the spot. "uh...uhh...chemical bonds! yeah! chemical bonds. super easy. you'll catch on just fine."

"nice!" was his response. kill me.

"i'm y/n, by the way." names are always good to know.

"nice to meet you. i'm walker," he said. i nodded with a smile, as if i hadn't heard that name multiple times today.

𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨, 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 ( 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙡 )Where stories live. Discover now