Under the same sky

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I was continuously getting the thoughts how easily my family abandoned me just because of there own assumptions that last night, I was getting fucked at any man's place.

Lol I'm nothing more than a corpse and SERIOUSLY i got myself into a graveyard. Night was getting darker and I have nowhere to go. God is this a new beginning or the ending??

I left my belongings at some bench and started wandering around graveyard until i got awestruck by very beautiful and big tree. I checked my phone it's 9:30.

I noticed a shadow sitting under the tree grazing up high in the sky like figuring out answers of his every question. Looks like he's missing someone special. I was a bit scared because i was all alone by myself so i thought to get my self a company but disturbing his space was not what exactly i wanna do so i sat quietly opposite side. I was grazing at stars.

Cold wind shudders through my cloth. I was planning what to do where to go? I felt so alone that a lone pair fall from my eyes. I rubbed it quickly.  How easily your loved one's just abandons you. I've had enough in my 23 years there with my just biological parents. Yes they lost all my respect towards them and now they're just my document and biological parents. Who do this to there own child. Looks like I was just mistake in there life they never wanted me! And now I'm no part of there lives from now on. But one corner of my heart feels hurt of abandonment and other corner was feeling a wave of freedom from that toxicity.

I sighed deeply but then i realised the person sparing same air with me might have guessed that he's not alone but he doesn't speak a word.

I felt relieved that I didn't molded his space. After a while he sighed and with very deep, hoarse , and hurted voice he says

"There's something disturbing about recalling a warm memory and feeling utterly cold."

He's right in every aspect of vision because no matter what they always haunts you and then answering his quote I replied

"It's mortifying to be the one who remembers" 

Ans it is to be the one and only who is bonded to them and for them its just what? A Source of entertainment? At the end everyone abandons. After a few minutes he quotes back

"Like most misery it started with happiness"

His every word was giving me goosebumps as much as he relates with them i am also relating with him and guess we're not just sharing this sky but also the grief the sadness we both are wounded. Then i replied with another thought

"Someone has to leave, there is no other version of this story"

And that is why now I'm always wanna be the one to walk away it's so heartbreaking to see your loved one's walk away over your shattered heart. He replied back with mere words but deep as hell
"To turn all of my devotion ,violent"

And that's exactly what I'm feeling right now. Somehow his all words are looked like were meant for me. Then I replied with very low voice.

"I know intense love always leads to mourning"

Because love is the other version of never ending pain. Which molds you to your worst and make you crawl back to your old version. Love never made me feel like home. And I dont even know what love really means?? After a long wait he replies much more low hoarse voice

"Perhaps somehow somewhere we'll meet again at less miserable time"

Which made me smile weakly. I felt like first time in my life I ever Felt so connected like this. This unnamed bond while sharing our grieves under the same tree was giving me alot vibe like this is the beginning.

This is the very beginning. I sat there for hours deciding what to do with my life how to deal with all this now.
So i took this in a positive way deciding to write it from very first and blank page. I'll write again my story and will give a better version.

Then I peeked back to check if he's still here or not but he is I felt safe that he's still here. Next moment i didn't realized when i dodged off into sleep and woke up at early dawn as brightness was waving right into my eyes.

I straightened my back and stood up. And greeted myself with very good morning to my new beginning.

Quotes are from Pinterest.
Looks like wounded founded wounded. Will they heal eachother? Or scratch eachother's wound?
Well let's see in next chapter
You ready kat ? Yes I'm ready rue!!
You ready my pookies??

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