Chapter 2 ~ real intentions

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"So you gonna stay in korea for now?" Reena asked after a few more coversations between the three adults.

"Yes. You know business trip. Its a bonus cause i got to see my hometown back."

Asil were a sucessful business woman she origanally from korea but she stayed at other countries and curently come here only because business trip.

"Dont forgot to visit other members Arsil"

"Of course Min Hoo, what did you take me for"

"Just a reminder"


"Yes yes..thank you"

A few minutes fly when sudenlly Arsil got called from her assistant.

"So now i have to excuse myself.Bye bye little pretty boy" Asil crouched down to rok soo height and ruffle the boy head.

"Bye bye Asil noona!"

After asil go Min hoo told them both he have to chat with other people and left.

"Honey. Remember keep smiling."

"Yes mommy. How could i forgot that".

"Just want to remind you"

Kim Reena go to chat with the other ladies and introduced rok soo to everyone.

"Target caught the bite. He will go to you right now.

Yes thank you for inform me"

"Miss Kim?" A man around her age seems to be interupting the conversations between her and ladies.

"Yes sir? Do you need something from me?" Reena turn around to face the man who called her earlier.

"My name is ----.Im from ------ company and we wanted to talked about the invitation for you to some events that will be ocured on 4 nevember. Do you have time for it miss Kim?"

Reena agreed and they walked to a dark balcony that no one are there to hear their conversation.

" umm..miss kim? Is that okay to bring your child to hear about the invitation?"

The man asked reena when he see that rok soo followed them too.

"Its okay. I just want him to be familiar with how to handle situasion like this or how to said when people ask you a questions"

"Its a great idea to train child from his early aged. I truly memerized to your genius mind to let your child to suceed."

"Haha. Its nothing and now can we go back to business?"

"Ah right sorry about. So..."

A few minutes later reena sudenly asked the man to excuse herself to the toilet for a momment.

"Hello lttlee kid. What your name?"

When reena left rok soo stayed. The man crouched down and started a conversation with him.

Its a happy and light coversation when sudenlly..

The man neck got slashed infornt of rok soo.

Rok soo eyes fot wide from shock and look at the man back and see his mother was cleaning the dagger that just her used to do the actions.

"M-mommy?" Rok soo called out for hos mother with a shacky voice.

"Rok soo wacthed and learn how to handle the situasions." Reena smiling coldly to rok soo that made him flinched.

He wacthed how his mother drag the body to hide it and how his mother clean the rest of the blood that spurted out eficiently.

His mother didnt cleanly ecposed the body like she used to do that make him left with questions.

"Mom-mommy why dont you ex-expose the body c-completely?"

Rok soo blurted out his thoughwith his shacky voice out of curiousity.

"I have to sharp your acting skill."

Rok soo calmed himslf down after his mother told him that.

He cant let his voice go shacky like that again and he have to sharping his skill to hide his emotions again as he not do that well earlier.

"Sorry mommy"

They both walked back to the center and acting like nothing happen when sudenlly..


They all rushed out to the empty balcony just to see a ladies was on the floor with a horrified exprsion and a corpes.

"Someone called the police!" They hear someone shouting make them all go to a panic mode to searched their phone.

"I already called them!" A ma shouting make them all go back pit their phone away.

A few hours later the cops came and investigate everyone in the ballroom.

"So..Miss Kim i was told that you were seen to be last with him befor the accident"

"Yes i was the last one with him but we were just talking about the invation from him for me and i even brought my kid with me." Reena explained in a horrified and shacky voice.

'Mother act is so nice..i want to be like her when i grew up'

The police gaze turn into rok soo and it softened a bit.

"So kid.. can i ask you a bit question"

"Of course im a genius so i can take any question you asked me with no problem!"

Rok soo excited voice made the mood between people around them go gloomy.

'How can such a sight have to be seen by this bright child'

'He must not understand the situasion..well he is just a dour year old..i pity that kid to see this accident in such early age'

"Ehem. Kid were you with your mother a whole time you were here?"

"Yes im with mommy all the time! No one can seperated me from mommy!"

Rok soo told him while hugging thightly to reena dress.

"What happen when you left with your mother leaving sir ---- behind?"

"Ohh sir ---. He is fun! And before we left him i got some cand from him and we left then..i dont see him anymore..where id he? I can not see him here too! Do you know where is he sir?"

The question made the police flinched before told rok soo that sir --- already left the party.

Rok soo mad acknowleged hum and ran toward his father.


"Hey buddy. Do you want to go home?"

"Yes! Im a bit sleepy daddy.."

"Yes yes. Now sir i hope yo excus us. My son seem to be exhausted after today events."

"Ah yes sure Mr Kim. Be carefull ony our way back."

"Of course sir"

The family of third walked off from the place and having a silence ride.

"Why didnt you exposed the body completely?"

"I just want to rok soo learn how to act more sharp. Its worth it caused i got to teach him how to handle business, clean up the mess and acting. Thas my truly intentions. And he suprisingly good at them all. An achivement dont you think so?"

"Such a wicked women you are Reena"

"Im a Kim of course i am wicked."


"Yes you are"


Notes :

Im sorry i have mispronouns or misplace the words.

And just a reminder 'Trash Of The Count Family'  is belong to rightful owner.

And this is a fanfic.

By love ~ Erj

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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