"Go get into hair and makeup. I'll tell you everything while you are getting glammed up" Gregory tells me.

I sit in hair and makeup for maybe two hours just for a trail run. Gretchen the hair major curled my hair into loose waves, put some spray in them and made my hair look really natural and like I rolled out of bed with minimal effort but still looked like a super star since that's literally how they think girls wake up in the movies. My makeup, while very heavy feeling was seamlessly flawless. And my outfit, was a simple blue dress with heels on. Let's get this show on the road.

Step one: Act like you know what the hell you're doing.

I walk around the area looking like a chicken with it's head cut off. I don't know where to stand or how to pose. Are smiles acceptable? My serious face is the equivalent to a constipated face and you know how those models stare directly at the camera with an emotionless face? Yeah well when I do that I look like a deer in headlights.

Step Two: Don't look or act stupid for that matter.

When it got time to doing the trail run, I did a simple pose and looked at the camera with a semi serious look. When the light flashed I tried to not blink so I looked stupid. When I got the fact that we where done with picture one, I asked what else. What else? God that's a stupid question. You don't take one picture to decide if you were model ready.

Step Three: Act like a boss ass bitch.

Or not. Basically don't look pathetic. Taissa you failed. Think like your a Kardashian. Wait, you don't want a sex tape. That'd be horrible. And gross. And with who? I mean obviously Evan but I haven't even had sex with him yet. Ya I know, "You move too slow" YA WELL BITCH SOME GIRLS DON'T RUSH THINGS.. I'm kidding. Not really. We haven't gotten to that point in a while. And if we did. I ruined the moment. SINCE WHEN WAS THIS A TALK ABOUT MY SEX LIFE?


Self explanatory.

Do I look like a chicken wing in this dress? Is it form fitting? It's tight as hell. Wait what sound do chicken make? WAIT I'M STUPID THAT'S OBVIOUS. Do I have the attention span of a goldfish? Probably.

FINALLY. The moment of truth. Gregory was looking at my pictures, he "oohed" and "awed" and made no sound of disgust so that was maybe a good thing? Of course it was a good thing. He examined the pictures carefully and then, five minuets later came up to me with a stack of paperwork. "Honey my dear Taissa. Brace yourself" He grabbed my hands and smiled. "Congratulations. You are now the next top model" We both laughed and I looked around and smiled, "God where's Tyra Banks?" I ask joking wise.

"We'll get along great" He assured me.

"Oh yeah. Good job with Evan. 'Cause damn I'd tap that" SAME.

"Thank you" I say awkwardly. "Me too"

"Emma was such a stuck up bitch. I worked with her once for a shoot. I wanted to kill someone. Is Evan blind or something? Well he chose you so I guess that explains that" He jokes. Why aren't we best friends already?

"I know I'm totally disgusting. But you just chose me to work for you so I guess that makes you equally as blind or stupid" I chime in.

"Call Evan and tell him the news!" He says joyfully.

Oh shit Evan.

"I will. I'll be back" I say but Greg pulls me back and smiles. "On voicemail silly" He demands.

I dial Evan's number and pray to god he doesn't answer. But he always does. "Hey babe where have you been all day I miss you" Greg makes a noise, "OTP" he whispers.

"Who's that?" Evan barks.

"Oh right" I say slowly. "I'm kind of a model now and that's my manger" very subtle Taissa.

"Really?" Evan sounded hurt. "Good job" You could literally hear the pain in his voice.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"More guys will notice how hot you are" He says then laughs at the end.

"I love you" I coo into the phone.

"I love you too" He still sounded hurt.

"We'll talk about this over dinner okay?" I ask.


"Bye" I hang up and make a face. "I should go" I sigh.

"Good luck" He tells me.

Yeah I needed it.

A/N: CLIFF HANGER NOT REALLY KINDA IDK. I hope this chapter was funny. I tried. Okay so Damien reminds me of Chad from Murder House lol. I'm sorry. I love Zachary Quinto. I'm tired and still need to update another story.

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