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I'm on my way to Arsenals Training Centre to sign my Contract and I could not be happier to be able to play professionally. I get to the Training Centre and walk in to find Jonas Eidevall already waiting for me.

Jonas: Hello Kacy it's nice to finally meet you!

He reaches his hand out to shake mine.

Kacy: Nice to meet you too!

Jonas: Right if you would like to follow me so we can get that Contract signed 

He starts walking down the Hallway so I follow him and we walk into a Room with a Table and Cameras. 

Jonas: The Girls are Training right now so if you want to you can already meet them after signing.

Kacy: Yeah that would be great thanks.

I sign the Contract while the Media Guys take Photos of me. After I signed Jonas leads me to the Changing Room and tells me to wait. He Knocks and asks if everyone is decent, when they say yes he opens the Door a little bit and tells them to come to the Meeting Room when they are Dressed.

Jonas: Alright let's go

He turns around and leads me to the Meeting Room where he tells me to sit down anywhere I want. The fact that I'm about to meet the Arsenal Girls hits me and I get realy nervous so I sit in the very back while Jonas said he will be back in a little bit. After a few Minutes Jonas still isn't back but slowly the girls start walking in one after the other. Some look at me but I'm to nervous to even look at them so I keep my head down until Jonas walks in.

Jonas: Alright Ladys, as some of you may have seen there is someone new in the Room. She's our new Signing so Please welcome her maybe show her around a little bit. Kacy why don't you come here and introduce yourself?

I get up and walk to the front with my head down. I walk over to Jonas and stand with my back to the Girls so I can whisper to him for a second.

Kacy: What the hell am I supposed to say?

Jonas: How about you start with you name and age?

Kacy: I'm talking about other things than that Jonas!

Jonas: Just say that you haven't played professionally before.

I start to hear the girls beginning to whisper so I take a deep breath and trun to look at them.

Katie: Hey she has a Face!!

Jen: Katie!!!!

Katie: I'm sorry that was rude.  

Jonas: Kacy please introduce yourself

Kacy: Y- Yeah eh my name is Kacy Miller and I'm 19 Years old. You probaply don't now me because I haven't played professionally yet but I'm glad that this will be my first Club to play professionally for.

Kyra: Ey she's younger than me!! I'm not the Kid anymore she is!!

Kacy: What no I'm not a Kid!

Kim: Sorry Kid but you are, dont worry almost everyone had to go through that but it will stop when there comes someone new who's younger than you.

Kyra: Yeah good luck with that younger than 19 will take a while!!

Jonas: Ok Guys you are free to go now if you wanna chat you can also do that outside.

Everyone gets and walks past me to atleast say welcome to the Team. Last are Beth, Viv, Jen and Katie.

Katie: Sorry about earlier and welcome to the Team.

Kacy: It's ok and thank you.

Beth: Hey Kacy it's realy good to see some new faces here. I'm Beth and this is my Girlfriend Viv and these two are Katie and Jen.

Kacy: It's very nice to meet you all but I realy have to go I'll see you guys in Training tomorrow!

Jen: Alright see you tomorrow Kid!

Kacy: I'm not a Kid!

I shout back while laughing and walking towards the Exit. When I get to my crappy old Car wich I got from my Mother I get in and just as I was about to start the Car it does not turn on.

Kacy: No no no not now!

I hit my steering wheel and get out of the Car. I open my front and try to find the problem. I can't seem to find anything that is wrong with it so I call the help service but they tell me they can be there in an hour which is to late for me to get to my Appointment. I start repeatly kicking my tire because I know I won't be able to make it to my Appointment.

???: Hey Kid stop!!

I dont turn around but keep kicking my Car until I'm pulled back by my arm.


Hey Guys in my other storie I said that I was working on another storie wich I would post when I finished 20 parts. Well I deleted that storie because I didn't like it and today I started this one instead. I hope you like it and I will also try to make a new part for the other Storie.          



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