"My turn." She grins at me wickedly.

"it wont take long, you are too hot when you come." I reply, groaning quietly as her small hand engulfs my hard, hot member.

She starts working me slowly, rubbing her thumb across my crown, collecting the leaked precum. She started kissing my neck as she increased her pressure and speed. I closed my eyes getting lost in the pleasure she was giving me. I could feel the sparks of pleasure shooting up my spine knowing I was close.

"Emily." I whisper through gritted teeth, "I'm so close."

She hums as she moves faster. I look down at her to find her watching my face. Our eyes connect. She squeezes me hard as I swell and pulse in her hand causing my eyes to turn half-lidded. I didn't break our eye contact. I was still looking into her eyes as I came with a low growl. She watched as the pleasure flew across my face. I pull her into an embrace, letting out a sigh. In this moment everything is alright. We were able to stay like that for a few moments before the knock came. We both let out a small growl. We break apart reluctantly.

"I will read this tonight." She says indicating to the pages containing my story.

I swallow, nodding as my worry comes back. She cups my face.

"I will see you on Monday."

"Okay." I didn't know what to say. I worried that Monday would come, and everything will have changed.

She smiled reassuringly at me as she opened the door and walked out. I picked up my things and followed shortly after. It was going to be a long couple of days.

I tried to keep myself busy over the weekend, working out in the gym, sketching, anything I could think of to keep my mind off what Emily was thinking. Nathan had picked up on my anxiousness and tried to help when he could. I ended up having to explain to him what had happened and why I was so anxious. That lead me to telling him more about what had happened since we left Seattle. He was amazed at everything that had happened, but he seemed to take it all in his stride. His acceptance had helped calm me slightly. I was once again grateful for him being my cell mate. We had grown quite close. Monday morning, I awoke and already felt like my pulse was pounding. My anxiety was back. Nathan and I were eating our breakfast when a guard came to get me. I looked at Nathan shrugging as I was led out. I followed him to the medical ward where I saw Dr. Birkensire standing there waiting for me.

"Good morning, Sean. Are you ready to receive your eye?" he asks smiling at me.

"I had no idea we would be doing this today. I usually have class." I feel my stomach churn as I realise I won't be there today.

"Didn't the warden tell you? that is not acceptable. You should have been advised last week." He says in disgust as he readies his equipment.

"He was probably busy. Maybe it slipped his mind." I don't know why I am making excuses for the warden, probably out of habit.

"Sean, you are too good for this world." The doctor says with a chuckle. "Please, climb up on the bed and we will make a start."

The procedure was a long one. It took most the day. I unfortunately had to stay awake through it too. Once it was done, my eye was covered as it healed around the prosthetic. The doctor told me he would be back next week to check it was healing okay. After that I would be patch free. I thanked him as I left the room, still feeling a bit woozy from the procedure. I went straight to the cell knowing I would not be able to eat anything that night.

After a night of tossing and turning I got up with Nathan to make our way to breakfast. I tried to eat a slice of toast but only nibbled at it. I was still way too anxious to eat. I knew this would only change after I see Emily and find out how she feels about everything now. I go through the morning on autopilot not really interacting with anyone. When the time comes for class, I make my way into the classroom and sit at my desk. Usually, I would sketch to calm down and pass time, but I feel like I can't even do that. My breath catches as I see Emily walk in. She gets right down to business which I understand she has to make sure no one notices our connection, but it doesn't help me calm down any. Today she hands out a math worksheet, which I am grateful for. I don't really need to think too hard with math, which is good seeming my brain is a massive fog at the moment. To make matters worse, my new eye is aching, which the doctor told me would happen, especially since I was without it for a long time. I find it takes me most of the lesson to complete the sheet when it would usually it would take much less time. I bring my sheet to the front to hand it in. as I am handing it in Emily's hand brushes mine. I look up to see her softly smiling at me. I feel the weight on my chest lessen a bit. I walk back to my seat and wait. After everyone has left, she comes over to me and sits next to me. without a word she pulls me into an embrace. I relax into her arms feeling the weight disappear. My eyes sting but I hold my emotions back.

"I'm so sorry Sean." She whispers into my neck.

"You believe me?" I can't help but ask.

"I know you. I will always believe you." she pulls back looking at me. "I spoke with your grandparents on Sunday. Even spoke to Daniel for a while." She smiles. "He is a real charmer, like his older brother."

"How is he? I haven't talked to him since being in here. I mean, I have gotten a letter, but its not the same and they are waiting for the school holidays to visit."

"He is doing great. He told me all about his school, and Captain Spirit." I laugh at that, remembering the good times.

"I'm glad he is able to be a kid again." I say softly.

"He loves you very much." She squeezes my hand. "So, this is why you weren't here yesterday?" she indicates to my eye. I reach up to touch it lightly.

"Um, yeah. I had no idea. They came and got me at breakfast. I have to wear this patch for a few more days, and then I will never need to again." I smile, glad to get rid of the patch finally.

"I can't wait to see you without it." She rubs her thumb along the bottom of the medical patch. I close my eyes to the touch.

"I was so worried you would feel different." I confess in a whisper.

"I understand now, Sean. But I know who you are in here." She taps over my heart. "I know how much you love your family, especially Daniel. You would never lie about him."

I rest my forehead against hers, closing my eyes and enjoying her calming presence.

"Thank you." I whisper. "It is nice to have someone there for me. Someone who believes in me and cares."

"Sean." She grabs my face in her hands. "You have a lot of people who care for you. All lot who believes in you and are in your corner fighting for you. You must remember that. I know it can be hard, especially in here, but you can't give up."

I look into her bright eyes, feeling her words deep inside me. I feel a tear slide down my cheek. When she sees this, she leans in and kisses it away before embracing me again. I sink into her warmth feeling my emotions of the last few months bubbling up. I can't hold it in anymore as I feel more tears escape. My body starts to shake at the force of my sobs although I don't make a sound. She holds me through it all, rubbing my back, holding me tight and whispering soothing words to me. she holds me as I grieve for my lost youth that was ripped from me on that one day in Seattle. I also grieve for the coming years that I will loose while trapped behind bars. It takes minutes before I can regain control on my emotions, pulling back while looking down in shame.

"I'm sorry." I whisper quietly.

"No." she says softly while taking my hands. "Don't apologize. You, if anyone, have the right to feel like this. You are innocent, serving time for a crime you didn't commit. Your grandparents are busy trying to find a way to lodge an appeal. And I am going to work on looking for some way to help. We will do everything we can to help you. Just don't lose hope, okay."

"Okay." I nod so glad to have her in my life.

We sit and talk for the rest of our time. I tell her more about my time out on the road and she tells me all about how Daniel and Claire and Stephen are doing. We share funny stories back and forth until the knock comes. She kisses me before she gets up and leaves. I return to my cell. I sleep well that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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