19 3 4

Enjoy it with your loved once
Have fun

*Trisha and Shivya were on their way to Trisha and Saasha's dorm after 5 min they reached there during these 5 minutes Trisha was constantly glaring at shivya like she wanted to dig out the truth out of Shivya's body *

*Knock* knock*

*Saasha got out of her bed and opened the door *

SAASHA- Tish what-

*Before Saasha could complete her question Trisha pushed saasha inside the dorm and then grabbed shivya and pushed her on Saasha. Before they can understand what happened Trisha locked the dorm from outside*

SAASHA- Trisha Singh open the fucking door now *saasha said banging on the dorm she didn't want to be with shivya in a room together*

SHIVYA- yes Trisha pls open the door *shivya pleaded she wanted to clear things out with saasha but not like this she knew it would make saasha angry and she won't listen to a shit after that *

SAASHA- oo pls don't act like it was not your idea it's because of you we are stuck here can't you leave me alone*saasha said  greeting her  teeth*

TRISHA- can you two shut up for God sake you guys are hurting my ears beside saasha meri jaan you are wrong . Yes shivya asked me for help to clear things out but this awesome plan was just mine *she said proudly flipping her hair *
And no I am not opening this door till you clear this matter out because I am done dealing with this matter so now I am late and I have to see Noor so I am going to the college I hope you guys sort this problem before 7 pm*she said with a smile on her face *

SAASHA- What. What are you even talking about . There is no matter to be solved . Trisha I am telling you to open this door and wait why 7 your class ends at 3 pm what the hell are you going to do till 7*she shouted*

TRISHA- ooffo come on sam baby don't shout instead use this energy to sort things out with shivya beside I am going to go ummm I won't tell you *she said cheekily*
So bye bye gurls have fun *with this she ran from there towards her college*

SAASHA- ughhh I will kill her *she said frustrated*

SHIVYA- umm sam let's -

SAASHA- Nope don't even think about it*she Snapped*
I don't even want to see your face *she said going toward her room*
You can stay in Trisha's room till 7 and don't distrub me

SHIVYA- Saasha stop right there * shivya raised her voice which made Saasha stop in her track*

SAASHA- what do you want shivya and don't you dare use that tone again*she said glaring at shivya*

SHIVYA- Saasha we need to sort it out I am not having this shitty behaviour of yours anymore*she went towards Sasha held her hand and made her sit on the sofa*
Now tell me the whole story fast*she said sternly*

*First sasha didn't said anything but soon she realised that shivya will make her talk by hook or crook so she told everything to shivya*

SHIVYA- what the fuck those bitches I will kill them how could they*shivya was fuming in anger *

SAASHA- what do you mean *she said confusingly*

SHIVYA-sam it's all a fucking lie I never did anything like that . How could you even think that we were best friends Didn't you believe me even that much you literally believed them over me *she said obviously disappointed that sam believed them instead of her*

SAASHA- shivya they showed me a fucking picture of you two kissing how can I not belive them and beside how can I belive you that you are saying the truth

ONE TOO SOFT. ONE TOO BOLDWhere stories live. Discover now