Alastor and lucifer go upstairs and lay Zere in his crib, then they sit on the bed. "he is so perfect." "oh sh*t, i need to call my dad." Lucifer pulls out his phone. "finally got this direct phone number." Lucifer calls God, "hey dad, we just got home with Zero if y-'' God appears to be hanging up the phone, which surprises Alastor and Lucifer. "dad! Fuck!" God goes over to the crib and says, "wow." Lucifer goes to him and says, "isn't he perfect?" "in so many ways." Zere makes small little coos as he looks at God; his ears twitch slightly and his tail wags very fast

"You can hold him if you want." God slowly picks him up. "Hello." Zere tries to grab Gods hat. "oh no, no, you can't have that." God makes a little stuffed bear appear in his hand inside
There play with that'' Zere puts one of the stubby limbs in his mouth. "me damn, he is so cute." Alastor chuckles. "Okay, i'm sorry. i think it's so funny you say me damn." "What am I, god? So using my name is just weird so i say me." Lucifer chuckles, "oh yeah, you do do that; how have i never noticed that? You've been doing that well forever." Zere makes a very loud whine and everyone looks at him and says, "what drama king? Is everyone not paying attention to you?" Alastor tickles his stomach with his finger, causing Zere to laugh

"His laugh is so cute!" Zere drops his toy and gets very mad; his antler grows and his eyes glow. Alastor quickly hands it back to him. He goes back to normal and goes back to giggling and laughing. "oh boy, this one is going to be scary when he's older. "That's my boy." alastor is very proud. "i can't wait to teach him VooDoo. "Uhh, i don't know about VooDoo." Lucifer got nervous. "hm? Why not?" "It's a very dangerous type of magic." "That's why I'll make sure he knows what he's doing, and I don't plan on teaching him until he's at least 18." "maybe hun" "you've never seen me lose control, have you?" "No." "hun hell, be fine, i promise, We are going to start small anyway, His first lesson when he turns 18 is going to be to make whatever he wants appear." "Oh, that one is useful." "never lose anything because of it." "Okay, fine but nothing until he turns 18." "you have my word." God is ignoring them while playing with Zere. "Whose a cutie you are? yes you are." Zere yawns big. "Oh goodness, is it nap time? Yes,  it is." God lays him down in his crib. "Alright, i need to go, Call me when you need me, son." God disappears

-Few weeks-

Alastor is downstairs, cleaning Zeres' bottle, in deep thought. He feels tiny hands on his back, He turns around confused and sees lucifer holding Zee up so he's touching him. "Well, hello handsome'' Alastor kisses his cheek. "Look, he's holding his head already!" "he is very powerful, thanks to us; im sure hes going to do a lot of things early." "i've been trying to get him to say dada all day , Zere say dada. Dada, say daa daa." Zere laughs and grabs Lucifers hair. "No thought behind those eyes, he dummy." Alastor snickers, "Hey, don't say that about him." Lucifer pouts, "such a little brain, smooth so smooth." "he's trying," Lucifer whines

"Stinky," "nooooooo," "stinky boy," "be niiiiiiiiice," "he is stinky!" Lucifer sniffs, "Oh, he needs a diaper change." Lucifer walks away, Alastor chuckles and continues cleaning the bottles, humming along to the radio. Husk walks in "Al have you seen my fucking order? I got all my boxes but the one with the new order of wines. ""it's on the counter." Husk looks. "How did i miss that?" he sighs and grabs it. "Sorry Husk, i wanted to see which ones you ordered. "Nah, its fine, See one you liked?" "a couple, why did you order two dry wines?" "Angel said hes never had dry wine so i got some plus fucking bill likes it "of corse bill likes dry wine that man has no taste!" "you're still upset about his comment." "BLAND, HE CALLED MY MOTHERS JAMBALAYA BLAND AND TASTELESS." Alastor is shaking mad. "Whoa, whoa, okay, calm down; her food isn't bland." Alastor lets out a deep sharp breath and smoke comes out his nose. "if i see him today, i'm ripping one of his fingers off, or maybe his tongue. Or I can tie him down, put a rat on his face, cover it by a metal bucket and then the rat will scratch and bite and try to crawl its way out through his face.

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