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This poem is inspired by the passage of time, and how it fails to stop for those who try to minimize the effects of its passage:

Caught in time's relentless undertow,

Every season must come and go.

No matter blue skies or overcast,

Whether spring's present or winter's past,

Both summer's heat and autumn's pies,

With every season must say goodbye.

We, too, have seasons that pass.

Stages of life, which some handle with grace and class.

Some, though, choose to fight the current,

Battling against time with desperate deterrents.

Others still, choose to ignore the slithering serpent,

Though their time is cut shorter with the snake's every movement.

My message to you, the reader, is this:

Live your life with love and happiness.

Do not ignore the passage of time,

But remember to fight is an endless uphill climb.

For nothing you do will make time give in,

So buckle up, enjoy the ride, and celebrate every moment as if it's your last.

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