Chapter 28 - Knight versus Cavalryman

Start from the beginning

"Alright! Show them the strength of French cavalry!"

Berte drew his saber, and the soldiers followed suit. Observing this, the enemy charged straight towards them on horseback.

"Let's give them a taste of our might!"

"Take 'em out!"

The French soldiers responded with shouts, urging their horses to increase speed and forming a line formation.

The first strike came from the French side, as musket shots were fired from horseback. However, hitting targets from the unstable platform of a horse was challenging, and the shots were more for intimidation. Yet, the enemy showed no signs of faltering, nor did their horses react to the gunfire; they charged straight ahead. As the French cavalry tightened their grips on their sabers, preparing for close combat, the Axeland cavalrymen maneuvered their horses, reversed their direction, twisted their upper bodies, and released a volley of arrows. Out of the three sharp arrows shot, one pierced through a soldier's arm, eliciting screams. Another volley followed, this time hitting a different cavalryman's horse. The pain caused the horse to rear up and abruptly stop, throwing the cavalryman off and slamming him onto the ground.

"These bastards!"

Captain Berte fired his gun in desperation, but it missed its mark. Three riders wielding bows swiftly circled around the French cavalry, shooting arrows. Despite their attempts to retaliate, the Axeland cavalry's horses were faster and more enduring, maintaining distance.

A rider wielding a spear swiftly approached, thrusting it forward. The speeding thrust pierced through a French soldier's chest, silencing him before he could even scream.

"Henri's down! Captain, these guys are seasoned fighters! And their horses are good!" the adjutant shouted while reloading his gun.

"Gather round! Don't chase them! Form up!"

If they were to charge after the archers shooting from a distance, they'd immediately be met with a spear thrust from the riders. However, if they stayed in formation, they'd be vulnerable to arrow fire. They managed to retaliate with gunfire, but it was difficult to hit the fast-moving cavalry.

"Captain, at this rate, we'll all be done for! Argh!"

As the adjutant screamed in pain with an arrow lodged in his right thigh, Captain Berte made the decision to order the unit to retreat.

"Fall back! Li—!"

In that moment, a sharp arrow pierced his throat, and his last words were choked out in blood before turning into silence. As blood flow to his brain was cut off, and his consciousness rapidly faded into darkness, Captain Berte prayed to the gods for his subordinates to escape safely.


Part 2


"Captain Berte's reconnaissance unit has encountered the enemy and engaged in combat!"

Auguste, dispatched by Captain Berte, arrived at the midpoint between Berte's reconnaissance unit and the main French army, where he reported to the commander of the light cavalry unit, Murat. His horse was sweating, its chestnut coat shining white.

"How many enemy troops?"

"About four riders, sir."

"Half of Berte's squad. Perhaps the first victory of this battle will be his. He's a lucky one."

With about 50 subordinates, Murat received Auguste's report and smiled cheerfully. His laughter echoed in the blue sky, contagious to his subordinates.

"Alright. Let's go see Captain Berte's performance. Send a messenger to Commander Bonaparte of the main force. 'We have encountered the enemy and they shall be vanquished.' Auguste, guide us to Captain Berte."

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