Flash Fiction Challenge (Open till the 12th of April)

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Dear Writers and Creatives,

Gold Between the Lines Magazine is delighted to announce the inaugural Flash Fiction Challenge it is hosting right here on Wattpad. This is a fantastic opportunity for both emerging and established writers to showcase their storytelling prowess and win exciting prizes!

Here's what the magazine expects;

i.) Select only one of the three prompts provided below for your flash fiction story.

ii.) Your story should be no less than 500 words and not more than 1000 words.

iii.) The story should be original, creative, and new. It should not be published elsewhere and only created specifically for this challenge.

iv.) You can include the story in an already existing anthology published on Wattpad, or, you can write it as a new book. But please indicate in the title, 'GBL Flash Fiction' in brackets after your title and at the top of your blurb.

v.) Add this book to your private and public reading lists and follow the account for updates and announcements.

vi.) Your story must have a title and a short blurb.

vii.) Join us on X and Instagram, subscribe to our free blog for latest stories, poems, news, trends, writing tips and updates. Link in bio! This is because the winner's piece will be published exclusively to the GBL Online Magazine.

viii.) You must share this book on your profile for more engagement. As this is not a book club, please make sure in your promotional message, to specifically indicate that it is a Flash Fiction Challenge hosted by Gold Between the Lines Magazine and lead your followers to the Flash Fiction Challenge Chapter. The rest of the chapters are for extra information.


Pick only one out of the three.

1.) Write a flash fiction story where the setting is a futuristic city and where memories can be bought and sold.

2.) Craft a flash fiction story about a person who discovers they can enter paintings and interact with the characters inside.

3.) Craft a flash fiction story about a day in the life of a time traveler who keeps accidentally changing history.


☆ Not more than 1000 words and not less than 500 words.
☆ You can choose whichever genre that best suits your prompt.
☆ You can include in an existing anthology or publish it as a new book but (GBL Flash Fiction) should appear in the title.
☆ You can choose whichever style of writing you are most comfortable with.

Furthermore, it's essential to note that if your story wins and gets published exclusively in GBL Magazine, you are only permitted to share a brief blurb here on Wattpad in place of the story, then direct your readers to the magazine to read the full story. This exclusivity ensures that the magazine remains a premier platform for showcasing your work and allows us to provide you with the recognition and exposure you deserve.

As part of GBL's growing writers' community, your participation in this challenge opens doors to significant opportunities. Password A is your favourite or known Greek goddess. Winning writers not only receive valuable prizes, but also position themselves for future recognition, collaborations, and advancements in their writing journey. We believe in nurturing talent and offering a platform where your creativity can thrive and reach a broader audience.

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