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The map is above this text: the pink is a castle, that's why there's one in each kingdom. the very light blue is water, so the light blue line across Arctacia is a river.  The Blaze Plateau is where the fire wolves live. Arctacia is the ice wolves' domain, and Mt Lumenwatt is the abode of the storm wolves. Sunvale is home to the light wolves. turbine heights belong to the air/wind wolves. the shadowlands belong to the feared shadow wolves, River Heart Bay belongs to the peaceful water wolves, and the Green Heart forest belongs to the creative and passionate earth wolves.

WINTERS PERSONALITY: this is the first book's protagonist: Winter, she is gentle, calm, caring, and serious and takes her duties as a princess VERY seriously. LIKES: books, nature, peace in the lands, gourmet food. DISLIKES: The Shadow Lands, sports, and when her kingdom is attacked.

 DISLIKES: The Shadow Lands, sports, and when her kingdom is attacked

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The elemental wolves:  frostbiteWhere stories live. Discover now