chapter 1

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You had entered skypiea after the war. Everyone seemed peaceful now, humble and helpful they still didn't seem to like when blue sea dwellers found their way up there, you had just gotten there.. All alone they found it odd and you never once mentioned ever having a crew with you, just you and your pirate ship alone.

You sailed over to the green Island they used to call holy Land because it wasn't natural to have there, when you finally reached the edge of the island you landed anchor and walked on shour, you sighed looking around... It was odd how quiet it was at the moment, you found it uncomfortable normally you'd at least heard a few bugs.. But nothing.

You walked around looking up at the huge abnormally tall trees, looking at the vines.. Moss.. Everything even the sky, you found it beautiful it took you till sun down to reach the village in the middle seeing both angels and shandorians coursing before you stepped on a twig and it alerted everyone on your position. You cringed as the twig snapped under your feet.

"Shit.." You muttered to yourself as about 20 people looked your way, the others seemed to be off gathering things, they stared at you for a solid minute before one man held up his spear.

"Wait, wait hold on!" You said putting your hands up in defense. Yes you were a pirate but that didn't mean you wanted a fight with them, the man walked closer to you cautiously.

"Who are you" he said in a cold harsh tone, glaring at you. You pay attention to detail when looking over him, he had long brown hair, it was tied in a ponytail with shaved sides. Darker skin tone than some of the rest, a warrior tattoo from his shoulder to the left part of his chest.

"I'm y/n..uhm, I don't mean any harm I was just looking around.. Uhm.. Who are you?" You said looking at him curious about his name, he definitely was a warrior, a shandorian warrior at that. He stared at you for a moment before speaking as if he was taking his time to think of a response before putting his spear down.

"Wyper" he said in an absent tone, as he analyzed you. "Why are you here, and how did you get to skypiea the bridge is destroyed." He finished, you stared for a moment before answering.

"The knock up stream" you said absently, pointing in the direction you came. His eyes widened he had only known a few people who had survived the knock up stream so he was surprised someone alone was able to go and not get hurt in any way.

"How did you survive that, did you come alone. Do you have any crew?" He paused. "Are you a pirate?" He finished, he was simply curious but also annoyed.

"I don't have a crew so yes I came alone, and it wasn't too hard to survive I just had to sail correctly and not make one wrong move." You said, you had finally put your hands down. You didn't feel threatened by him anymore.

"How could someone like you survive that alone" an old man in silver Armour asked walking up to the both of you.

"I try not to die?" You were of course slightly joking to try and lighten the mood but they were still curious.

"My name is Gan fall, it's nice to meet you blue sea dweller." The old man said smiling at you. You remembered that from somewhere he was once the sky knight, also a former god.

You smiled slightly and nodded a slight bow. "It's nice to meet you too." You said in a calm, soft tone.

"I am sorry if skypiea isn't what you were hoping for, we had just finished war.. A 400 year war at that" he said with a calm tone.

"It's okay, I understand. But what happened.. In the war if you don't mind me asking?" You asked curiously, tilting your head slightly.

"God.." He coughed remembering the former god was now no longer here. "Enel, had vouched a war against everyone in skypiea a few days ago. Thankfully most survived." He paused.

"We hope you don't mind the destruction of this place, it was Enel's doing." He finished.

"I don't mind at all, it must have been terrible. I'm sorry that happened." You said empathetically, you looked at them with empathy.

"Don't be, if it didn't happen it wouldn't have brought us all together, we worked hard to fix this place we just hope nothing like that will ever happen again." Gan fall said softly, you smile nodding slightly.

"You don't mind if I stay here for a while do you?" You asked kindly. He smiled.

"Not at all my child" he said smiling, you smiled back. Wyper was suspicious of you, but of course he'd be, he is a warrior. He just got his homeland back you would be suspicious if you were him too.

"I'll go ahead and tell the others we have a guest" Wyper said in an absent tone, gan fall nodded before wyper walked off into the forest to alert everyone that you would be staying there for a while. You had a feeling this was going to be a crazy month or just crazy whatever until your post locked onto another island. Who knows how long it would take.

"Would you like to join me in some tea?" He asked kindly. "Or some pumpkin juice if you like, this island makes the best." He smiled, you nod smiling back.

"I would love too, thank you" you followed him to the middle of the town, walking over to a table with some tea and pumpkin juice already set up, gan fall took a seat, you as well before he poured you a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Have you been on any adventures on the blue sea?" He asked before taking a sip of some pumpkin juice. You nod.

"Yes a few, but I found an eternal log post and it led here so I chose to come here." You took a sip of your juice as well.

"That's nice.." He paused. "If I may ask, have you ever met a pirate crew called the strawhats?" You stared at him for a moment as you thought.

"I've heard of them, I haven't met them personally. They have quite a high bounty on their heads especially the captain." You stated, he nods.

"I see, may I ask why you don't have a crew yourself?" He asked curiously.

"Well..." You sighed. "I know I don't mind this dangerous life but I wouldn't want my friends to be in danger, or force them into a life they don't want. " you said thoughtfully, he nods in acknowledgement.

"I see.." He thought for a moment. "Is it lonely?" He asked in a soft tone. You stared into your glass for a moment.

"A bit.. But I love the adventures I've been on, so I think it's worth it." You smiled. "Plus when I go back home I'll have loads of stories to tell and lots of treasure to share." He smiled at that.

"I suppose that is worth it" he chuckled before finishing his pumpkin juice. "I'll go get someone to help me set up a tent for you, I wouldn't want you sleeping outside while the rest of us are warm."

"Oh, no it's fine really-" he cut you off.

"I insist, it would be rude of us not to" he said before walking off, you sighed in defeat.

"Okay.." You mumbled.

By the end of the day, as night fell, your tent was already ready, they even invited you for dinner. Though wyper glared at you the whole time, it made you a little uneasy. When dinner was over gan fall had asked wyper to show you to your tent. You followed him finally reaching it.

"Here, there are blankets and a pillow inside if you need anything, kindly get it yourself" he said in an absent yet harsh tone. You nod slowly.

"Right.." You paused, he had already started walking away. "Thank you, by the way" you finished, he turned his head slightly as he glanced at you. "You're welcome." He said before turning back and walking off to his own tent. You sigh and enter your tent closing it and laying down. Covering yourself up as you stared at the top of the tent for a while before the tiredness started kicking in, your eyes started feeling heavy and by the time you knew it, you had already drifted off to sleep.

The Native Tongue [Wyper x male reader] (one piece) Where stories live. Discover now