Chapter Eight

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Felix dragged me to the elevator and smiled, "Are you ready for our wedding, my dear?" I spit in his face, "Go to hell, Fickelgruber." Arthur looked at the jar in his hand, "Best chocolate he's ever made huh?" All three of them took some chocolate and ate them as I watched in anticipation of what Willy did to them. The elevator went to the ground floor and the Cleric hummed, "Ah, gentlemen. It was a bit of a close shave this morning and I was wondering if perhaps we could rethink our arrangement. Or..." Arthur put a chocolate down and the Cleric picked it up, "Or...just leave things as they are. Good afternoon, Miss Liliana Fickelgruber." I struggled against Felix as Arthur hummed, "Father. I hope your schedule is cleared in about ten minutes. You have a wedding to officiate. Miss Bon Bon! Please help Miss Liliana into her dress."

Miss Bon Bon grabbed my arm and dragged me away from them to force me into a wedding dress (Dress up top) I looked at the mirror with a tear in my eye as Miss Bon Bon smiled, "You look beautiful, Miss Mallard. Simply beautiful." I glared at her, "This is wrong and you know it." Bon sighed, "You should be lucky, Liliana. Not everyone has a rich businessman wanting to marry them. Let's go." The both of us walked outside and I gasped in happiness as I saw Willy and Noodle okay, but covered in chocolate. The green book was in an officer's hands as I whispered, "Willy." Willy faced me and gasped, "Lili, you look beautiful."

Affable looked at the Chief of Police, Arthur, Gerald, and Felix, "Gentlemen, you're under arrest." The three businessmen tried to run away, only for them to start floating, only to catch the fountain top. Willy walked over and started talking but I couldn't hear until he faced Noodle, "Hey, Noodle!" Noodle started banging on a pipe and the ground rumbled, I looked around in confusion until chocolate came out of the fountain, causing the three to continue flying away.

Willy gestured all around him, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Willy Wonka and friends...invite you to enjoy our chocolate." Noodle ran over to me and hugged me, "Ana!" Then gasped in horror, "I'm so sorry!" I giggled and brought her into another hug, "I think that chocolate fits this dress quite well, don't you?" Noodle dragged me over to Willy and Willy frowned, "Lili, I'm so sorry I-" I cut him off with a kiss and Willy gasped in shock, but quickly kissed me back. Everyone cheered and I pulled away, licking my lips, "You taste good."

Willy laughed, "You'll be the death of me, woman." I giggled, "Death by chocolate?" Willy set his forehead against mine, "What a way to go."


Willy got cleaned up and I got changed, and then we sat together on the steps of the cathedral, watching everyone enjoy Wonka chocolate. Willy smiled and kissed my temple before pulling something out of his coat. Willy teared up and shakily pulled the wrapping off the bar, only to find the words, 'The secret is it's not the chocolate that matters...It's the people you have it with. Momma. P.S. Find a girl that loves to eat food. She won't leave you.' Willy chuckled through his teary eyes, "Momma was right. I did find a girl who loves to eat." I sighed and patted my stomach, "Yeah, but if I don't keep it in check, I'll look like the Chief of Police." Willy smiled, "And you'd still look as beautiful as you do now."

Noodle came up to us and Willy broke the chocolate, handing her a piece. The rest of the group walked up and Willy handed the rest of them out as I stood beside him, smiling. Willy broke his piece in half and handed me one side as he popped the other in his mouth. Noodle smiled, "So...How does it feel, Willy? It is as good as you remember?" Willy smiled and nodded, "Every little bit. I wish it could last forever." The clock chimed and Willy smiled, "I guess it's time." Noodle looked confused, "Time for what? You're marriage to Liliana?"

Willy wrapped his arm around my waist and I smiled, "Not quite yet. Do you know how many people in this city are named D. Smith?" Mr. Crunch smiled, "One hundred and six." Willy smiled, "And luckily, you have a friend who works at the telephone exchange. And she spent the entire afternoon ringing around. And guess what?" Lottie smiled, "We found her." Noodle smiled, "You found my mom?" Mr. Crunch nodded, "She works in the library. That's where she lives. As luck would have it, Miss Liliana tried to get your mother to work for her, but guess who didn't want to take advantage of her kindness?" I grumbled, "Why is it, when I want to help, no one wants it?" Willy chuckled, "Come on, Noodle, before My darling Lili loses her mind."

Noodle, Willy, and I walked to the library but Noodle stopped, nervous I guess. Willy smiled, "Come with me. And you'll be. In a world of pure imagination. Reach out, touch. What was once, just in your imagination. Don't be shy," I smiled as Noodle stared at her mother as we stood under the arch and Willy kissed my temple, "It's all right. If you feel a little trepidation. Sometimes these things don't need explanation," I teared up watching Noodle head to her mother, quickly, "If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Somebody to hold on to, it's all we really need. Nothing else to it."

I smiled and laid my head on Willy's shoulder as we watched Noodle and her mother. Lofty's voice filled the air, "So goes a good deed in a weary world." Willy and I turned around as Willy smiled, "I was wondering if I'd see you again." Lofty shook his head, "I'm not going anywhere, Willy Wonka. Your lady friend is very beautiful and you haven't paid your debt. Loompa law is very clear on this subject. Until such time as the chocolate is physically in my hand..." I set the jar in Lofty's hand and he stopped before looking amazed, "Oh. Thank you."

Willy smiled, "Thank you. For saving my life." Loftly looked lost, "Well, I suppose that concludes our business. I will now return to my believed Loompaland. Where the cocoa beans grow in disappointingly small numbers, and my friends look down on me." Willy shook his head, "What? I thought they called you Lofty." Loftly cleared his throat, "The truth is that I am a quarter-inch below average. They call me shorty-pants."

Willy chuckled and Lofty nodded, "Well, there it is. Good day to you, sir. Beautiful and Sweet, Miss Mallard or should I say Future Mrs. Wonka." I smiled, "It's a shame you have to go." Lofty turned to me, "I said good day." Willy nodded, "She's right. If I'm going to share my chocolate with the world, I'm gonna need more than a shop." Lofty continued to walk away, "I'm sure you will." I smirked, "He's gonna need a factory." Lofty laughed, "Yeah, well, good luck with that."

Willy grinned, "And someone to head up the tasting department." Lofty stopped, "The tasting department? What about Lovely Lili?" Willy rolled his eyes and muttered, "I wish for that to stop," Willy started singing, despite his annoyance, "Come with me." Loftly tapped his foot, "All right." I giggled, "And you'll be." Lofty looked at me, "Where?" Willy smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist as we both started walking ahead of Lofty, "In a world of pure imagination."

Lofty raised an eyebrow as we walked into a castle for sale, "It's a ruined castle that your woman bought for you." I smiled and started skipping, "Take a look. And you'll see, into your imagination." Lofty shook his head as Willy ran ahead, tugging me along "Frankly, I rather doubt it." Willy started dancing with me, "We'll begin with a spin traveling in the world of my creation. What we'll see will defy explanation." Lofty nodded, "Well, that does defy explanation."

Willy smiled and used his cane as a lever and pushed it up, "If you want to view paradise. Simply look around and view it. Anything you want you do it. Wanna change the world? There's nothing to it." Lofty took a sip of the chocolate river, "Not bad." I giggled and Willy smiled and started to make a chocolate, "There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you'll be free. If you truly wish to be."

Willy handed the chocolate to Lofty, who ate it and immediately shook hands with Willy, loving the taste. Willy laughed and picked me up, spinning me around.


Lofty started singing, "Oompa Loompa doompety-do. I've got a little bonus for you. Sit back down and stay in your seat. For a last Oompa Loompa-ish treat. Abacus Crunch returned to his home. Benz to her friends, Lottie Bell to her phones. Brave Larry made a triumphant comeback, one day his ex-wife saw the act. Laughed a lot and took him back. Oompa Loompa doompety-day, but what of Mrs. Scrubitt and Bleacher, you say? Long story short, they got the sack. Paid back Liliana Mallard and said good day. Wonka proposed to Liliana a little bit after and I couldn't be more proud of Wonka. He used the speech I wrote out so who truly is getting married to the Lovely Lili? That woman is sweet and beautiful, just like chocolate."

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