Chapter Six

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The Next Morning

I smiled as I stood inside the store that was for rent. Noodle asked me to take the money that Willy earned and talk to the owner, but I didn't take the money and bought out the place instead, so nothing could make Willy leave unless he wanted to. Noodle said she'd take care of the rest. I started cleaning and the door opened, Mr. Crunch started talking, "Now, I know what you're thinking. It may need a little work." Miss Benz smiled, "Looks like someone left the water running twenty years ago and the ceiling fell through and the ceiling above that, and the ceiling above that, but you own this place." Willy sounded confused, "But it was for rent." 

Crunch smirked, "But your little girlfriend knows connections. Miss Liliana has purchased this for you, Willy. And if I find out you left her, I'll beat you with a mattress." I came into view and smiled, "You are finally legitimate, Willy. The police won't have any excuse to keep bothering any of you. What do you think?" Willy looked at me in awe, walking towards me, "I think that I've fallen completely in love with you." Willy wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around, kissing me as everyone cheered. 


Third Person POV

Slugworth, Fickelgruber, and Prodnose watched out the window as Liliana helped everyone out of the sewer hole and Felix gritted his teeth and snapped his pencil in half as Willy kissed Liliana's lips. "There's six of them in total. Including the little girl. Miss Liliana has no part in any of this, I assure you. The girl seems to be the brains of the operation. They're based out of a laundry called Scrubitt and Bleacher," The Chief explained. Slugworth inhaled sharply, "Scrubitt's?" The Chief frowned, "That's right. Why, you know it?" 

Slugworth thought about it, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do." The Chief nodded, "Miss Liliana just brought Wonka a shop. So, legally, I can't touch them. But illegally, I'm happy to do whatever you guys want. You want 'em all to have a little accident?" Prodnose asked, "In which they die?" Chief nodded, "Not a problem. But it's gonna cost you a lot more chocolate." Felix huffed, "You say Liliana bought Wonka a shop?" Chief nodded, "I also asked around and it seems that Wonka and our darling food critic are seeing each other, romantically." Felix hissed, "I know what you mean." 

Slugworth hummed and gave the Chief a box of chocolates, "It's all right, Chief. We will give you a call when the time is right. Felix, calm yourself." Slugworth looked back at the window and Felix looked at him, "What is it, Arthur?" Slugworth growled, "The girl." Felix watched as Noodle pulled the laundry basket, "You don't really think it could be her, do you?" Arthur nodded, "I do." Felix glared at Slugworth, "You always assured us she wouldn't be a problem." Prodnose nodded, "He's right. You did assure us." Arthur nodded, "And she won't be. Nor will Wonka. Felix, Miss Liliana is about to be your bride. I'll see to it, personally." 


Liliana's POV

I smiled as I left one of the restaurants in town to head to Willy's shop and gasped in horror as I looked ahead of me to see the shop on fire. I sprinted over to the entrance and avoided the flames as I yelled inside, "Willy! Willy!" Someone tried to drag me away but I didn't budge. After the flames died down, I ran inside and hugged Willy, "Are you okay?" Willy hugged me back and sighed with tears in his eyes, "It's all gone." 

Lottie looked at us, "I don't understand what...what..." Piper sounded upset, "What happened?" Mr. Crunch sighed, "Isn't it obvious? The Chocolate Cartel." Noodle sighed, "It's okay, Willy. We can rebuild. We can start again." Willy sighed as he sat down, holding my hand, "There's no point, Noodle. It didn't work." Noodle was confused, "What do you mean?" Willy sighed, "She promised she would be here. She wasn't." Noodle frowned, "You didn't actually think that..." 

Willy was serious, "No, I did. Stupid dream." Noodle frowned, "Don't say that, Willy. Please don't ever..." Mr. Crunch cut her off, "Come on, Noodle. I think Mr. Wonka needs to be alone." All of them left and I stayed beside Willy as he looked at a package in his hand. I sighed, "Willy. I'm so sorry." Willy kissed my forehead and stood up, looking around. Slugworth's voice came into the shop, "Terrible shame, what happened here." Willy and I looked over to see Felix, Gerald, and Arthur walking in. Willy sighed, "Take it you're responsible?" Arthur shook his head, "Us? Oh, no. Well, not personally. We may have encouraged Mrs. Scrubitt to enhance your creations." 

Gerald hummed, "We paid her to poison them." Arthur didn't look at him, "Yes, thank you, Gerald." Gerald smiled, "You're welcome." Willy grabbed my hand, "So why have you come? To gloat?" Arthur frowned, "Oh, no, Mr. Wonka, I don't waste my time with that sort of thing. We've come to offer you a deal." Felix held up some sovereign, "This is the precise amount you owe Mrs. Scrubitt. This is for the number cruncher, the plumber, the telephonist, the so-called funny man, and for the girl." Felix handed the papers to Arthur and I frowned, tearing up, knowing what they were asking and what Willy would choose. 

Arthur smiled, "Now, we put in a bit extra for her. So that she can get a place to live, clothes, toys...books. Oh yes, Mr. Wonka. You could change her life. Change all their lives." Willy looked at me with sadness and then at Arthur, "And what would I have to do?" Arthur smirked, "Leave town. Oh, and, um, never make chocolate again." I teared up, "Willy, you can't. Please, don't choose this. I can pay off all their debt and yours. I can take in Noodle. You can't give up your dream just because one bad thing happened."

Arthur continued, "There's a boat sailing at midnight. And for their sake, as much as your own, I hope you're onboard." They left and Willy looked at me with tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry, Lili. I can't let you spend your money on me?" I cried, "So you're going to do it? Leave? Please, let me do this Willy!" Willy kissed me softly, "I'm sorry, love. But I can't ask you to do this." I wiped my tears and laughed dryly, "Yeah. I know. I've heard it exactly five times. You make this six." Willy frowned, "What? Slugworth paid all those men to leave you?" I huffed a laugh, "And as you just decided. They did the same. I guess that love isn't meant for me, Mr. Wonka."

Willy shook his head and grabbed my arms, "Don't shut me out. I love you, Liliana Mallard. I just can't expect you to pay all those debts. You'll be poor." I sniffled, "So what if I'm poor? I'd be with the man I love. But in today's world. That means nothing. Goodbye, Mr. Wonka. I'll love you forever." I cried as I ran out of the shop, leaving the one I loved behind. 

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