Chapter One

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Liliana Mallard's POV

I growled and walked, more like stomped into, Scrubitt's Boarding House, "Scrubitt, do you know what day this is?" Mrs. Scrubitt looked nervous, "Miss Mallard, how pleasant to have you here!" I scoffed, "Cut the crap, Scrubitt. You know why I'm here. We had a bargain." Scrubitt nodded, "I know, Miss Mallard, I know. I have a guest, could we do this later?" I glanced at the man in the red coat, "Maybe this will show him to not get involved with you. I told you that if you couldn't hold up to your end of the deal. I'm taking Noodle and having her live with me."  The man in the red coat cleared his throat and held out his hand, "Miss Mallard, I am Willy Wonka." I grabbed his hand and instead of shaking it, he raised it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand softly. I smiled softly, but a contract caught my eye, "Mr. Wonka. Please tell me you don't plan to sign that contract." Wonka smiled, "Already have." 

Mrs. Scrubitt chuckled sarcastically, "Oh, dear. How clumsy of me. Miss Mallard, you've come at an awful time. I will have your payment tomorrow night. Please don't come again. Bleacher, show her the way out." Bleacher started to push me to the door, "G'day, Miss Mallard." I snarled, "Noodle will be coming with me one way or another. She needs a family, not a keeper!" 

I was shoved out of the building and the door was slammed shut. I growled, "Don't mess with me."


The Next Morning

I walked through The Galéries Gourmet but stopped when I saw Mr. Wonka standing on his case in front of an empty storefront. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Galéries Gourmet, my name is Willy Wonka, and I have come to show you a marvelous morsel, an incredible edible, an unbeatable eatable," I giggled as he started being dramatic, "the likes of which this world has never seen. So quiet up and listen down." I watched as Mr. Wonka thought about it, "No, scratch that, reverse it. I give to you the Hoverchoc."

Everyone watching in interest as Mr. Wonka started singing, "In a jungle near Mumbai, there's a little hoverfly, whose wings go at a thousand flaps a sec that's no lie. These microscopic fleas like chocolate more than leaves and when asked nicely, lay precisely, one little egg in each of these. When it hatches from its shell, it gives a happy yell. Whoo-hoo! How thrilling to be living in a chocolate hotel. It beats its wings with glee and then, as you will see, the chocolate will levitate and float most gracefully." 

I gasped in amazement as the chocolate started to hover around the crowd of people. Mr. Wonka saw me and smiled softly as I smiled back, he continued to sing, "Well, there's chocolate and there's chocolate. But only Wonka's makes your eyes pop out their socke-lets. Put your hand into your pocke-let and get yourself some Wonka chocolate. Come now I insist. You've never had chocolate like this. No, you've never had chocolate like this."

Everyone started to applaud and I smiled, clapping with them as I saw that Mr. Wonka had a talent for making chocolate. Which is needed in this town, because the three chocolate makers here are just rude. Mr. Wonka looked happy, "Well, who wants to try one?" A woman pushed me into the open, "Miss Liliana would like to." I blushed as Mr. Wonka smiled and held the jar out to me, "Miss Mallard." I grabbed one with my fingers and raised it to my mouth, only for a voice to yell out, "Miss Liliana, I wouldn't do that if I were you." 

I looked over to see Slugworth walking over and Mr. Wonka looked amazed, "Mr. Slugworth, sir. Mr. Fickelgruber, and Mr. Prodnose." Mr. Slugworth tsked, "Miss Liliana, I know that you are the food critic around here, but I do believe that it states, 'Food shall only be taste-tested by a Food Critic from a licensed restaurant or chocolate store.'" Mr. Fickelgruber nodded, "Yes, that is correct." Mr. Prodnose hummed and walked over to me while Mr. Slugworth talked with Mr. Wonka, "It was an amazing show, my dear, but do not be fooled. We do not know this man. You are the most desirable Food Critic in Europe, we want nothing to happen to you." 

"Let's try one of these so-called Hoverchocs," Slugworth announced and Mr. Wonka looked to me, "Miss Mallard, if you please?" I smiled, but it dropped when Slugworth took it out of my hand, "She has obligations and rules to follow, Mr. Wonka. I do hope you understand." Mr. Wonka frowned slightly, "But can't there be at least one exception?" I smiled softly, "Of course, Mr. Wonka. I would be delighted to try one." I glared at Slugworth and he avoided my eyes as he put the candy in his mouth as Fickelgruber and Prodnose followed his lead. 

I stood beside Mr. Wonka as Slugworth's eye lit up, "Ooh. It's not just chocolate, is it? There's...marshmallow." Wonka smiled, "That's right. Harvested from the mallow marshes of Peru." Fickelgruber spoke wistfully, "And caramel. But...but it's..." Wonka grinned, "Salted. With the bittersweet tears of a Russian Clown." Prodnose spoke blissfully, "And it's...Surely not...Cherry?" Wonka nodded with a wide smile, "Cherry-picked by the pick of the cherry pickers from the Imperial Gardens in Japan."

Wonka looked at me and smiled as I smiled widely, "Well done, Mr. Wonka. This is delightful. I can't wait to taste." Wonka smiled softly, "Call me Willy." I smiled, "Then call me Liliana." Slugworth started to talk, bringing our attention to him, "Well, Mr. Wonka. I've been in this business a very long time, and I can safely say that of all the chocolate I have ever tasted and have had Miss Liliana taste, this is without doubt the absolute one hundred percent worst and Miss Liliana will not be testing them now or ever." 

Willy started cheering, "Whoo! There we have it, ladies and gentlemen. An endorsement from Mr....Wait. The worst?" Willy looked hurt and I glared at Slugworth. Slugworth nodded and gestured to the men by his sides, "We three are the fiercest of rivals, and yet we agree on one thing. A good chocolate should be simple. Plain. Uncomplicated." Ficklegruber gestured to Willy's jar, "Whereas this, with all its bells and whistles...Well, it's just..." Prodnose pitched in as the three of them walked towards him, "Weird." Willy started to tut, "That's a shame. If you thought the chocolate was weird, you're gonna hate what happens next." 

I smiled, "I think a smooth dark chocolate with a creamy minty caramel center would be delightful." Willy turned to me and smiled softly, "That does sound delightful, Lili." Slugworth, Ficklegruber, and Prodnose started to float in the air, causing the crowd to gasp in amazement. I started to laugh uncontrollably as they all started to panic and I held onto Willy's arm, almost falling on the floor.

I smiled, still giggling as everyone started paying Willy for the chocolate and began to start flying. Willy turned to me and I grabbed his hands, "Willy. This is amazing!" Willy frowned, "I'm afraid I have no more left, Lili." I smiled, "I'm sure that you will make more. Besides...I'm a food critic, we never tire of trying food." A whistle sounded and the Chief of Police stomped in with his men, "All right folks. Nothing to see here. Just a small group of people defyin' the laws of gravity. Hook 'em, boys."

Willy faced the Chief, "That's the Hoverchoc, sir. That's the point." Another officer spoke up, "I'm afraid we've have some complaints about you, sir." Willy looked confused, "Complaints?" The officer nodded, "That you're disrupting the trade of other businesses. Miss Liliana is only allowed to critic the food from a legitimate restaurant or chocolate shop. I'm regrettably obliged to move you on and to confiscate your earnings." An officer snatched the jar out of Willy's hand and Willy was upset, rightfully so, "Hey! What are you doing?!" 

I looked to the officer, "Sir, please-" The officer held up his hand, "You know the rules, Miss Liliana. Criticing outside food is dangerous for someone like you." I growled under my breath and the officer looked to Willy, "Sorry, sir. Rules is rules." Willy sighed, accepting, "Could you at least leave me a sovereign? I need to pay for my room." The officer sighed, reached into his pocket, and handed one to Willy, "Here." Willy nodded, "Thank you." Willy started to walk out and I grabbed his arm, "Willy, wait. You stay with me instead of at that wretched place. I'll pay for your room, but if you go back, you're not going to like where you'll end up." 

Willy smiled, "I'll be okay, Lili. I'll see you later." I sighed and let go of his arm, watching him walk out of the Galéries Gourmet, "Take care of him, Noodle. He's gonna need it." 

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