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So...there was a major time-skip in mine and Charlie's life. One that includes us both having our little arguments over our future (mainly University/College), getting back in one piece together, spend time with one another every chance we got-which was every two weeks- and then graduating, getting ourselves a good career in our own ways, getting a house and bringing in Nellie and Henry with us as one small family, I proposed to Charlie by the time we we're twenty-four, on the Fourth of July with the help of none other than Tao! (Surprising? Very).

Obviously Charlie said yes.

We had our wedding on the same beach I had taken him too, the day we officially became boyfriends, and I screamed it out for every single random stranger to hear and, or see. Went to Los Angeles, California for our honeymoon, and here we are four years later! Enjoying ourselves to its fullest.

Until, Charlie's sister Tori brought up a question that got both of us thinking over for days.

"Are you both planning for any children soon?"

It was quite a surprise to hear Tori ask that question out of everyone we know. She's always quiet and hardly gets into other people's lives. Charlie that day didn't answer the question, he changed the subject to something else and decided to never bring it up AT ALL. Not that it didn't matter to me, I mean, if he's not ready for a kid at the moment then that's fine with me. I only want what's best for Charlie, we can wait a little longer.
However, 'a little longer' didn't seem to last since about two months later Charlie sat besides me on our couch and asked me about the subject.

"You actually want one?" I asked, looking down at him as a large smile grew on his face.

He opens his mouth a little and exhaled a small little chuckle. "Yes...I mean...it's-if you want to...get one with me, and your ready and such." I could tell he was nervous, which was one of the things I found adorable about him. I grin down at home and peck his lips, stopping him from speaking gibberish.
I could see his cheeks turning slightly red. "I'd love too." A large smile formed on his face and he embraces me, bending me down a little in the process due to the height difference, with a little laugh I wrapped my arms around his waist and pull him close, we shared a passionate kiss and pull away, I could see the affection in his eyes when he gazes at me (Another thing I love about him!).

Okay, so I may have lied that our kiss lasted for a second, the kiss actually became a small make out session that we forced ourselves to pull away from because of Charlie's phone buzzing a notification. We both look at each other.

"So..." he starts. "We're actually doing this?"

I smirk and hold his hand. "I mean, I do remember me saying not that long ago that my answer is 'yes', did I not?" Charlie scoffs and playfully shoves me.

"I'm just making sure, why do you always need to make yourself act all..." he moves his hands around my face, I raise an eyebrow at him. "Am I supposed to know what the hell that means?"

He playfully glares. "Stop being charming, that's, what I mean." I laugh.

"I can't help it, it's not like I make myself be 'charming' during our serious conversations."

"That trip to Paris and the hickey situation!" He reminds me. Ah yes, that day. Oh how proud I was to show those bastards what's mine. Maybe I did it on purpose knowing it'll show...what? You'd understand if others eyed the love of your life.

I looked at Charlie. "You mean the trip from twelve to thirteen years ago?"

Charlie looked at me shocked. "Holy shit...I've realized we've been together for that long..."

"You mean dating for thirteen or twelve years (still can't tell which one) and married for four years? Doesn't seem too much."

I'm being sarcastic.

I started our search for some orphanages in London that might have some new babies brought in that can be adopted, but surprisingly none even had any available. Most either only give 5-16 year olds and others have babies already set for homes by people who where one-step ahead.

"I knew finding a baby was going to be hard...but not this hard!" Charlie exclaims, placing down his computer with the website of a current orphanage we were looking into. Toa and Elle came over to see how the whole thing was going and well...you know how it's going.

Elle narrows her eyes at the computer screen and hums placing her cup of tea down. "Maybe the one your looking for...isn't here." We look at her frowning.

"I don't understand..." I said, making short eye contact with Charlie before looking back at our friends.

Tao clears his throat fixing his dark green beanie from the back of his head, looking close to falling off. "What Elle means, is, the baby you both want isn't obviously here in the UK."

I raise an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting we look out of the country?" The two nod their heads. Charlie sighs and grabs his laptop then gives me a look.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a try..." I nod my head agreeing and motioned for him to search a website, preferably in the U.S.

Not even five minutes in, Charlie's eyes widen and next to him, Elle grins wide. "Bloody hell..." she whispers.

I frowned leaning forward on the seat with my hands clasped together. "What is it?"

Charlie looks at me, he was astonished. "There's an opening for a baby boy...in this orphanage in New York." I smiled big, making him smile back. Without any words we hugged one another then group hugged, Tao tried to get out of it though.

"This is amazing! Has anyone asked for like...?"

Charlie shakes his head. "Not yet. Seems he was brought to the orphanage six months ago."

Elle frowns. "Doesn't seem too long...which means what? He was born somewhere in September."

Tao gave her a look. "Your really doing the math to figure out when his birthday is?"

"It's not math."

Charlie scrolls through on the website to look more into it and we were able to find some information. The baby boy was born September 20th and brought into the orphanage four days after he was born. Obviousness the records of his parents are hidden but there isn't anymore details then the fact that he's in St. Esters Orphanage in New York, Manhattan.

Tao places his right foot onto the chair and stands straight pointing a finger to the ceiling. "Right then. To the Big Apple we go!" I frowned.

"Uh, what do you mean 'we'?" We all look at him.

He scoffs. "I don't think you understood the meaning of what I told you the day of yours and Charlie's wedding night."

"No, I'm pretty sure I got the memo. I mean you did have the butter knife up to my neck."

"I'd do it again to remind you."

The way Tao narrowed his eyes at me was giving me an uneasy feeling, and a little bit of deja vue.

Anyway, Charlie typed a summary as to why we want the baby and what he and I do for a living, we made sure to give our age, location, and so on the rest was history and boom, our application for adopting the baby boy was set.

We where even able to get a call from the social worker a week later and says that our summary and applications where approved. Now all we had to do was fly a plane to New York and bring home our soon-to-be baby.

Charlie packed all the things we needed, and I booked four tickets for premium Economy it pays less than business or first class. So that was taken cared of!


That is until Tao decided to 'surprise us' by bringing along Darcy, Tara, and Isaac with their luggage at the Airport.

Thank you for reading! Make sure to Vote and Comment!

Lemme know how the first chapter is, I'm sorry if it's not that good!! 🥲

Next chapter will be posted soon :)

Bye for now!

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