::Two of the Same::

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::Test Tube's POV::

I looked down at the two nickels, one nickel looking a bit darker than the other coin.

"Hah! It worked"  I said looking down at the two coins, the lighter one sat up first he seemed to look confused "didn't it?" I said out loud. The slightly darker nickel sat up and opened his mouth to speak "I totally know what your talking about, 100%" he said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

The lighter one stayed silent for a while still looking a bit confused, "I thought that potion in the waffle would've balanced your sarcasm out, guess it didn't" I shrugged looking at the darker nickel who only glared back at me.

"Where am I? This isn't tpot" the lighter nickel said under his breath confused standing up and looking around the flat plain surrounding us. "Follow me to my laboratory! I'm sure I can just give you a potion and you'll be back to normal" I said "Yea, cause you're so trustworthy, its not happening test tube" the darker nickel responded. "Well you should come with me" I spoke

"I'm not following with you" The darker nickel said rolling his eyes, refusing to get up. Before I knew it we started fighting back and fourth.

::Lighter Nickel's POV (tpot nickel)::

I watched as the two strangers began to bicker, I glanced over to see a darker nickel, just like me :O, using sarcastic comments on who test tube (from what I heard her name was) . I swiftly ran away to see if I could figure out where I was. Maybe someone knew? I wonder who I could ask. Not far off I spotted a building as I ran towards it, maybe someone in there knows their way around.

As I ran past rows of orange trees I noticed that the building was actually a hotel! "How neat!" I thought to myself approaching the hotel, I looked up to read the sign.

"Hotel OJ? Who names a hotel that?" I said to myself as I stood in front of the door way. I knocked on the door as a cup of Orange juice stared down at me.

"Hello! Do you know the way off this place?" I asked the guy in front of me, he only looked back in confusion. "Are you feeling okay nickel?" He asked me, "I'm feeling great actually!" I spoke up leaving the guy in front of me looking more confused now, I wonder why.

::Test Tube's POV::

I took a deep breath and began to speak "c'mon darker nickel! It'll be fine" I try to say to end the argument "yeaaa, like I would go and your lab rat, and why do you keep calling me 'darker nickel' I'm THE nickel" He retorted.

I sighed, "That's because I spilt you, nickel, into two beings to hopefully balance out your sarcasm problems, but that didn't work. So I'm putting you and lighter you back together"

"Well then where is this 'lighter nickel' you keep talking about!" Darker nickel exclaimed, I looked around my face becoming pale. "GOLLY GEE! He must of walked away while we were fighting!" I said out loud as the darker stared at me. I picked darker nickel up using my arms, (haha test tube has arms and nickel doesn't- A/N) it startled him a bit before he started yelling furiously at me.

This couldn't be a good thing. I wonder where he could have gone.

A/N: sorry for the wait. I promise I will try to make the next chapter longer

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