F O R T Y: Runaway Bride

Start from the beginning

"I was so scared,"

"I'm here, you're okay,"

"I know this is all really cute and all but the Portkey is going to leave in about four minutes so we have to go," Sirius said, rushing them.

Solana looked at her cousin, a small smile appeared on her face. "Thank you,"

"I'm only here for Remus," he sniffed, not looking at her and back at the door.

She nodded, she knew Sirius cared but wouldn't show it.

"Okay, let's go," he said.

Remus and Solana's hands found each other without them even looking, as they followed Sirius, Solana looked back at the room where she was almost wed, a feeling of happiness and freedom filled her chest.

Remus gave her hand a small squeeze, and she squeezed his back, they ran through the corridors, Sirius checked every corner for someone to stop them but no one appeared.

"Less than two minutes," Sirius said, looking down at his watch, he stopped abruptly as he bumped into someone.

"It's me!" James said, quickly putting his hands up at Sirius wand.

"Fucking hell, come on-" Sirius said, he ran into a back room and everyone else followed. "Where the fuck is it?"

Solana watched them all look around frantically, she didn't know what it was they should be looking for.

"It should be here-"

"Are you looking for this?"

Solana turned around, her hand still holding onto Remus'. "Bella," she whispered, she saw her eldest sister holding a large ceramic vase.

"Narcissa was nearly smart enough, hiding this from me, but she wasn't that slick." Bellatrix said, admiring the vase, "I have an eye for portkeys."

"Bella-" Solana started, but she was cut off.

Bellatrix's eyes had landed on their hands. "So you're the half-breed?" she snarled, looking at Remus.

"Don't call him that-" Solana said, defensively.

"Father told me that you had gone against us, just like Andromeda-" Bellatrix said, she played with her wand. "I didn't think it was true until now,"

Solana stared at her, her heart pounded, the feeling of dread gripped her.

"You have a life Solana, a life with Antonin-"

She shook her head. "No I don't," she said quickly, "Bella he-" Solana took a deep breath, she could hear shouting closer to the room they were in, she almost had freedom, this was just an obstacle she had to overcome.

"Antonin hurts me just like Rodolphus hurts you, you told me you would kill him if he ever hurt me-"

"This isn't natural Solana, he isn't natural!" she screeched, pointing at Remus. "He's a dirty half-breed!"

"Shut the fuck up, Bellatrix!" Sirius shouted, James had to grab onto his jacket to stop him from pouncing on the Witch.

"You're all a bunch of blood traitors," Bellatrix growled.

"Bella," Solana whispered, she could hear Antonin's voice getting closer and closer. "Bella please, I can't be with Antonin, I can't- I will never be free. Please let me go,"

Bellatrix looked at her forest green eyes, she remembered the first time her parents brought Solana back home, she was distraught that she wasn't a boy, but she knew with all her heart that she would protect her little sister, no matter what.

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