Part 2

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-3rd person POV-

"Hey Sam." Etho said to the bunny hybrid. "I haven't seen you since high school."
"Hey!" Sam said burying his nervousness of the ninja very deep.
"How are Taurtis and Grian doing?" Etho said asking about his old friends.
Etho had grown close to Grian in the 5 weeks he was there.
"I don't know." Sam lied. "We parted ways soon after the year you were there."
Etho was surprised. Sam, Taurtis, and Grian were nearly inseparable.
"Really?" He asked.
Just then Cub walked over.
"Hello! You must be Sam!" Cub said and introduced himself.
"It's nice to meet you Cub." Sam said smiling. "Well I probably should start getting materials." And Sam walked off.
"What were you two talking about?" Cub asked Etho curiously.
"Oh I knew him in high school." Etho said.
"Cool. Well I'm going to go back to Scar now." Cub said then too walked off.

"Something is wrong." Etho thought out loud.
"Hmm?" Bdubs said confused because he just walked up.
"It's nothing." Etho said trying to convince himself more than Bdubs.
"It must be nothing." Etho whispered to himself and promised himself to look into it later.

-lé timeskip-

Etho looked at his computer both groaning and sitting down to type something in.
He had been procrastinating for a few hours doing random things.
He typed in the search bar looking up old school records and casually hacking into Yandere's records.
He pulled up records from 6 years ago.
He first clicked on Grian's record.
He was shocked to say the least.
It contained almost everything that happened in that year.
His grades.
His teachers.
His suspensions and detentions.
And his death date.
It didn't specify what happened. Maybe the school didn't know.

Etho clicked out of Grian's tab and onto Taurtis', there he found similar information yet there was a big difference. Taurtis had another date.
One where he came back.

Etho finally clicked onto Sam's.
I was larger than both Grian's and Taurtis', it contained more detentions and it even included some of the crimes he committed in that year.

Etho wasn't happy with what information the records had shown him so he pulled up news articles for the area around the school for the days after Grian's death.
He found a few articles but nothing related to his friend's death.

Etho sighed annoyed.
He decided he would try to find out morning the morning as it was getting dark.
Etho closed his computer and made his way over to his bed falling asleep relatively quickly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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