Chapter 13: Memory's

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Enola's POV:

I can't believe Sherlock managed to get captured by mum's affair she had when I was just a toddler. I knew I never liked him (I have a very good memory). His name was Charles. Mum was only with Charles for a short period of time, but they ended the affair very badly so I've heard. From what mother told me when I was a bit older is that at first the relationship was fine and then after two weeks she found him snooping around. Mum let the relationship go on a little longer to see what he was looking for when she found out she ended it. Apparently he was looking for Garada. The Garada was a famous painting and worth lots of money. He thought my mother had it (she did) and he was trying to get it and sell it for a fortune. The thing is I'm not sure if mother still has the painting. Wait. OH MY GOSH! THE PAINTING! THAT MUST BE WHY CHARLES KIDNAPED SHERLOCK! TO GET TO GARADA!

"Tewksbury! I know why Charles took Sherlock." I told Tewksbury while he looked back at me with confusion.

"Whos Charles." He told me. Right I forgot to tell him the name of mum's affair which is Charles.

"Darling, I know we're in a rush right now but please try to keep up. It's the name of the guy mum was having an affair with." I told him jokingly. "My mom owns, or once owned a painting names Garada. When he was having the affair with my mom he was just using her to get closer to finding the Garada. The Garada is priceless."

" What do you mean owns, or once owned the painting." He asked.

"The thing is I'm not sure if mother still has the painting or if she gave it to another person to look after." I responded.

" Do you know where she hid it?"

" No she never told me but I'm sure that if I look around the house I can find evidence that can help me find it."

We arrived at the house. Wow I haven't been here in what feels like ages. Tewksbury grabbed my hand.

" Are you ready." He asked.

" Yes." I responded taking the first step this time. We walked inside. Oh my goodness. This place is a mess. Mother would never leave it like this. Yes, mom was a bit messy but it was just clutter. But this, this was a mess, chairs flipped, papers scattered all over the floor, books out of order and thrown all over the place. Someone has either thrown a tantrum here or has messed everything up from searching the place.

"Enola, I remember you said your mother collected many things but wouldn't it be more... organized." Tewksbury said.

Tewksbury's POV:

I looked around the house. This place was a mess. Not to be rude or offensive but it's true this place was actually a mess.

" Tewksbury. This isn't my mother. Someone has been here. Someone has come looking for something. Probably Charles looking for the Garada." She said this and then something fell upstairs. It must be Charles, which must be the same guy that attacked me and Enola.


Sorry this chapters a bit short but tomorrow might come another chapter which I think you guys will really like! also please don't forget to vote and comment what book I could write next!

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