Chapter 6: The Station

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Enola POV:
We're finally on to something. One step closer to finding Sherlock. We were on our way down to the police station before we went to the directions found on the map. I have to admit it is rather an odd location but I don't think it will be a problem. Me and Tewksbury decided to walk there since it was close and the walk there was beautiful this time of day. There was a bit of silence between me and him so I decide to start a conversation.
" Tewksbury what do you suppose happened to Sherlock." I ask expecting a quick answer but we took quite some time to answer.
" Honestly Enola I really do not know what has happened to him but I'm sure we will find out." He says in a nervous voice and a little slowly as if he was not telling me the truth.
" Tewksbury tell me the truth what do you suppose happened to Sherlock. I know your not telling the truth." I tell him.
" No Enola you do not want to know trust me." He said but I did want to know but maybe I didn't.
" Alright fine I suppose I don't have to know." We continue walking but maybe that was not the best conversation starter. I was about to ask if he would like to play a game that would involve asking questions on out ourselves and then answering them to see if we truly know each other when he took the words right out of my mouth.
" Darling would you like to play a game were we ask each other questions about ourselves and see if we can answer them." He says I was honestly in disbelief how could he know what I was going to say I guess he really always knew what was going on in my mind .
"You took the words right out of my mouth." I said sounding a bit shocked I mean how could I not we were thinking the exact same thing.
" You first though." I say
" Alright let me see umm what is my favourite flower and why." Tewksbury said.
" Alright alright give me a moment to to think...
Ok if I had to choose one it would be roses because  each color represents a feeling that is pure and it creates a bond. That is why you like it."I say hoping I said the right answer.
" Your correct wow that was impressive." Tewksbury says sarcastically.
" Alright my turn what was my favourite toy growing up." He knew this answer we had discussed it before a while ago but he should know.
" NO DONT TELL ME I KNOW IT." He said almost screaming.
" Was it not a pinecone cover in some type of fur named dash and you tied it to a piece of yarn and dragged it with you everywhere ." He said so positively he was right.
" Your right good job now that's impressive." I say blushing and smiling a little I mean how could I not he remembered every single detail.
" See I do know you!" He said to happily and afterwards gave me a little kiss on the cheek. We played until we got to the police station it was really fun just really bonding with him.
Tewksbury POV:
This was so fun spending time with Enola like this I thought to myself meanwhile me and Enola had been playing the who knows one another the best game. We have never really gotten the chance to really bond like this me and her but i enjoyed it. We soon arrived at the police station where I felt all eyes on us. They were saying:
"Oh my goodness it's Enola Holmes isn't that Sherlock Holmes little sister"
"Poor dear she must be heartbroken"
"I wonder how she's doing"
And all sorts of stuff like that not even acknowledging that she was in the same exact room as them. I knew she could hear them to her face did turn red I think she was a bit nervous having all of those people talk about her all at once. We finally get to the front desk but the lady in the front was treating her the exact same as everyone else I wanted to say something to them to all of them but I could not. I did not want to make a scene.
" Why miss Enola how are you doing are you well?" The lady at the front desk asked her she gave me the oh my goodness look we both chuckled a bit.
" I'm well thank you for asking I'm just her to gather any information the police might have on the case of Sherlock." She said in quite a demanding voice I must say.
"Of course right this way" the lady said. We walked behind her as she lead us to the detective working on Sherlock's case.
" Excuse me? Detective Partridge, Enola Holmes and Lord Tewksbury are here to gather information for the case of Sherlock Holmes. Is it alright if they come in." The desk lady asked in a nervous voice as if she was afraid to talk to him.
"Of course have a seat Ms. Enola and Lord Tewksbury." Detective Partridge said. Me and Enola sat down then there was a moment of silence.
" Good afternoon detective we are here to gather information about the case of my missing brother Sherlock Holmes and as we know your the lead detective so what do you know about this case so far." Enola said quite stubbornly.
" I can't share that type of information with you especially since your a relative of his." He said but his tone just didn't sound right.
"Look with all do respect Sir I to am trying to find Sherlock so will you help me or not." Enola said this yelling the last part she scared me very much.
" No I will not help you I can not disclose this information to you your just a little girl there's nothing you can do about it either way." The detective said and his facial expressions just looked like he accomplished something. That's when I just snapped.
" NO SIR YOU LISTEN HERE SHES NOT JUST A LITTLE GIRL SHE IS A YOUNG WOMEN AND A VERY BRIGHT ONE AND SHE HAS A NAME ITS ENOLA AND SHE JUST HAPPENS TO BE ONE OF THE BEST DETECTIVES I KNOW SO I ASK AGAIN WILL YOU HELP US OR NOT." I said all of this I couldn't believe it but I just could not take it anymore she does not deserve to be treated that way by anyone.
" No I will not help you and don't you raise your voice at me now get out of my office. SECURITY!" He yelled how dare that man I mean yes I screamed at him but that is because of the way he had been treating Enola I couldn't stand it. The security escorted us out but it was alright at least we had another place to go.
Hope everyone enjoys this chapter! I might write another one later tonight if I have time. Don't forget to vote!

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