Chapter 6 kidnapping Part 2

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!Author's note!

I just got back from an Easter break so this might be a VERY very late but don't worry, I will keep having this up. It just takes some time. Okay so where we left off, Eren finds out the location for Carter and Liara from Armin, he gets a gun and heads to him with Zeke following him to make sure he's okay. So let's get back into it also, Tws. Violence, depictions of domestic abuse, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, drugging, guns, murder and blood.

Play "Crimson + Clover" by pom pom Squad (Intro)

I sat still tied to the chair with a broken ankle and in pain. I looked all around the basement, trying to figure out how to escape even with the broken ankle. Carter came into the basement with a cocktail in his hands.

"No," I murmured in a daze. "No more." He'd been giving me a cocktail of whiskey and some sort of drug that kept me in a zombie like state.

"Please darling," he tried to say in a calming tone. "It will help with the pain."

I shook my head vigorously, trying to fight back from being drugged yet again. "No Carter, stop this. I don't wanna do this anymore, please." I pleaded with him, but he got really mad at me. He grabbed me by my jaw and squeezed it tightly.

"If you don't drink this, I'll shove it down your fucking throat you stubborn bitch!" he screamed at me, holding the glass over my face like he was about to pour it into my mouth forcibly. I began crying.

"Now you either drink it, or I'll force it into you!" he continued screaming at me, I took the glass off of him and drank the spiked drink. Immediately I feel extremely buzzed and was drifting in and out of consciousness.

"I........need........go...osiptal......fix..........ankle......." I slurred as my eyelids became heavy. Carter shushed me, holding my face in his hands as he looked at me.

"No, you're okay. You're okay, I promise." he tried to reassure me but I knew he didn't want to take me to the hospital in fear of being caught again.

After fifteen minutes we hear a faint bang upstairs, Carter panics thinking it was the police and began looking for a place to hide me. As he was doing that, I could hear the banging and footsteps getting louder till it got to the door of the basement. Someone tried to twist the door knob to open the door but it didn't work, so they decided to shoot the door open. They kicked the door to reveal Eren Yeager standing at the door, with a gun in his hand.

"You're German boy." Carter gasped when he saw Eren. Eren stood there staring at him with the darkest eyes I ever saw it was scary. Eren looked over at me, I must have be beating up pretty bad by Carter that the sight of me destroyed Eren.

"You put your filthy hands on my woman?" Eren growled at Carter, who now was cowering in a corner with his shaky hands in the air.

"No, no, it's not what you think at all." Carter tried to say, he was clearly scared shitless. Eren walked inside, shut the door and barricaded the door.

"YOU! PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS! ON MY WOMAN!" Eren screamed at Carter, making him whimper and duck behind furniture. "Look at you, the big scary man. Putting your hands on women but when you're up against a man ya cower. YOU PUSSY!"

Eren grabs Carter from behind the furniture and drags him out, he shoots him in the knee so he couldn't escape or fight back. "I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget. Keep your hands off my woman and never disrespect her again." Eren spoke to Carter, calmly this time before punching him straight into the jaw.

I couldn't respond as I was in and out of consciousness the only thing I could do was watch, as Eren punched him and punched him. Again, again and again. He was in a fit of rage and kept beating him to death, blood was pouring out of his mouth. Carter was coughing and spluttering everywhere. Carter tried to fight back but after a while his fight started to slow down, because Eren wasn't stopping. This wasn't just revenge, it was rage. Pure rage filled Eren and honestly, I didn't blame him. He blames himself and possibly everyone in his life. If no-one tried to stop our relationship, I wouldn't have ended up with Levi which resulted in my toxic relationship with Carter, that it came to this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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