Chapter 5: Kidnapping part 1

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!Authors note!

I just finished writing chapter 4 and I'm writing up chapter 5 before the 4th chapter is even published but I just wanted to get this started as soon as possible as I have so many ideas for this chapter. This is gonna have a lot of drama in it. And I'll be adding trigger warnings throughout this as this is gonna be a lot. Anyway thank you to the people who have been reading so far, I appreciate it. Any way, I let you got on with reading the chapter, I know you probably don't really care about the authors note. Enjoy! TW. smoking/vaping, SA, kidnapping, Domestic Violent relationship, also it's gonna have different people's point of view mentions of mental illness and addictions.

Play "Crimson + Clover by Pom Pom (Intro)

"Fucking Zeke Yeager, you bastard!" I spat at him, he smirked at me and shook his head. He sat down beside me, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"I get that you're not of fan of me," he tried to say, but I started laughing at him. I took a drag out of my vape, turning to him.

"Oh god, what gave you that idea huh? Zeke!" I replied, sarcastically, as I blew the smoke in his face. "I had no idea that I hated your guts till you told me! Thank you Zeke for telling me, god I wouldn't have known if it weren't for you."

Zeke got annoyed with me, and I thought to myself 'The fucking audacity of this man.' But he looked away from me as we watched the ducks swimming in the lake.

"It wasn't personal, Liara. It wasn't, we just thought he was better off with Mikasa." he tried to say, as I threw a rock into the lake.

"And look how well that turned out!" I snapped at him, taking another drag of my vape. "Who the fuck gave you or your father the right to decide what was best for Eren? What in the hell gave you the right to decide who he should or shouldn't be with. What in the fuck were you two twats doing? You two should be ashamed of yourselves."

He didn't look at me as I ranted to him, he didn't say anything. "We were kids, you disgusting pigs! You couldn't let him decide this? It was decided before he was an adult. And I'm not gonna sit here and listen to bullshit excuses as to why you two did that." I continued, as the rage came out of me. I was so pissed off looking at him, he angered me and brought out a nasty side of me that I didn't like.

"And worse, you scared another child into not giving letters to his friend, you made him betray his friend." I went on as Zeke continued to smoke his cigarette.

"I don't know what to say to you." he replied, looking at the lake, I looked at him baffled.

"Seriously! That's all you had to say? You came over to me to tell me, you don't know what to say except it wasn't personal? Fuck off Zeke!" I spat at him, as I got up from the bench. "Don't talk to me again, I appreciate what you're doing for me when it comes to Carter but you can fuck off when it comes to what you did to me and Eren." And I stormed off away from him.

I met up with Sasha and Connie while I was in work, talking about a frat party we all got invited to. To be honest, I was so sick of house parties and frat parties.

"We have to do something else after this party, I'm sick and tired of partying." I whined, washing the coffee machine. I was getting ready to put fresh coffee inside.

"What would you like to do then after this?" Connie asked, concerned.

"I'd like us to go to the beach, go swimming or make sand castles that sort of thing. Something enjoyable that doesn't require getting drunk all the time." I sighed as I put fresh coffee beans into the machine.

"Okay well we can go tomorrow but just come over tonight for one last party." Sasha begged as I started to make coffee.

"Fine but this is my last one for a while." I responded as I continued working. Sasha and Connie headed off while I continued my shift.

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