7 | .°~Extermination Day~°.

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               .°~Up in heaven~°.

   Adam looked at the exorcists with a large grin. He was so ready to kill all those worthless sinners. Especially Charlie. "Extermination day is here bitches. We're going to go down and exterminate demon ass," He said, Lute added on saying, "Destroy that ass!" And holding her muscle. "Prepare to slaughter every sinner in that shit hotel, and you all remember Vaggie?" Adam asked, raising an eyebrow. All the exorcist make sounds of annoyance and booing. "Rip Vaggie's cunt mouth out her ass!" Lute says while making an interesting gesture. Adam, weirded out looked over with a concerned expression. "Would you just chill Lute? Fuck. Anyway, whoever brings me Vaggie's head gets...uh..I dunno, a million Heaven bucks. How about that, huh?" The exorcists must have liked that because they all cheered and agreed. "Haha, yeah! Ladies, let's fuck shit up!" He said, putting up two rock signs. "ATTTTTAAACCCKKK" Adam sings out in a rocker voice and pointing towards the portal. "FORWARD" Lute and the other exorcists as well as Adam flew through the portal.

                          .°~Back in hell~°.

   The hotel staff and cannibals stand in front of the hotel with their weapons. Charlie had a shield and motif. Vaggie had her angelic spear. Y/n had a large double bit. Niffty had the small knife Y/n gave her. Angel had his several guns. Cherri had her bombs. Husk had his gambling themed weapons. Sir pentious had a sword. And Alastor was on the top of the hotel with his staff ready to set the shield up. "Let's FUCK THEM UP!" Charlie yells out. Some exorcists fly towards the group and start killing. The cannibals fought back and were able to get lunch in.

   "Let the slaughter begin." Alastor said, followed up bye a horrible laugh. He swung his microphone staff causing the shield to cover the hotel. It was a dark blackish brown with the same green symbols that showed anytime he does magic. Adam stopped in confusion and slight disappointment. "The fuck?" "They appear to have some sort of shield sir" Lute said. "Oh really? I didn't see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH. NO SHIT." Adam said sarcastically building up into an aggravated tone.

   Y/n used her weapon slice some of the exorcists. One flew at her and stabbed through her shoulder. She screamed out in pain and strained back any words. Y/n turned to face the exorcists that had a sadistic grin. Y/n pulled the spear out her shoulder and kicked the exorcists stomach. She gripped the spear and stabbed the exorcists through her chest. For good measure she twisted the weapon. The exorcist squealed in pain as she died. Y/n smirked at pulled the spear out. She threw it to the side, the metal ringing as it hit the ground. She found her double bit and picked it back up. Her shoulder was throbbing but she had to push through. Rhe ran towards another exorcist but stopped when the sound of shattering filled the air. She looked up and saw Adam breathing heavy, his fist out. The shield had broken. Her eyes widened. "Shit." She said under her breath. Adam used his large golden wings to fly towards Alastor on the roof. Y/n knew that Alastor could probably take care of himself but that wasn't a guarantee.

   Y/n continued to fight through exorcists but with the stab wound in her shoulder it was definitely more difficult. While cutting off an exorcists wings Y/n heard Adam say something along the lines of "Bye bitch!" Which made an expression of horror come to her face. "Al?!" She looked up at the roof. "Damn it." Y/n ran into the hotel and quickly stumbled up the stairs. When making it to the roof she was met with Adam leaning on his guitar. "Oh it's you again!" He smiled. Y/n scoffed, "Don't talk that shit, what the hell did you do?" Adam laughed as he picked his guitar axe back up and put it on his shoulder. "Just almost murdered the edge lord." Y/n tilted her head "Edgelor- Nevermind.." She sighed. Adam stopped in front of her, holding her chin with his index finger and thumb and making her look up at him. "You and all these other sinners are going to die. Though it really is a shame. Fucking you would have been fun," His smile became a smirk. Y/n smacked his hand off her. "Oh come on! You want to brutally murder me and have sex?" She asked in disbelief. Adam shrugged, "yea" he said nonchalantly. Y/n face palmed. "You're an idiot." Adams smile fades. "No I'm not. Could an idiot do this..."

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