It's been a week, and for some reason, it was unusually effortless to begin working at this restaurant as a waiter; it wasn't unusual for places like these to be desperate for new workers, but less than a week didn't sit right with you. The disguise you so carefully selected couldn't have failed so quickly; it definitely would have been a first if that were the case. You've been here for the last three days, there's been very little intel from the guests, and most of the staff avoid you. However, you became aware of the hidden passwords leading to the VIP area within the restaurant. What they were and what they each got you depended on if you were a guest or employee. Yesterday night, you recited one of those passwords to the head of this restaurant floor. Unfortunately, you had yet to receive a response, which irked you, yet in a job like this, patience was key, lest you wished to reveal yourself to the wolves.

"Nagisa, the boss wants to see you," the head of the regular restaurant floor calls out to you as you're about to pick up an order for a customer. "Understood!" you exclaim, following after them. "Be on your best behaviour, understood? You are incredibly fortunate that the boss accepted your request; if you offend him in any way, you should be aware of what will transpire since you are aware of the passwords," she demands, keeping a refined air about her. What she's insinuating is offending him meant you became one of the courses for the VIPs, not that the threat bothered you. "Of course," you respond, trying to seem docile and obedient. "Alright, we are here," she states, knocking on the overly lavish door.

"Enter," the male within the room replies, and you do precisely that, and close the door behind you. You expected to be walking into the man's office, yet here you are amidst an overly lavish restaurant with staff lined up and the boss standing in front of them; it seemed you had interrupted an induction. It had taken you a moment, but the strange smell within the room finally hit you; it wasn't the smell of blood or rotting flesh but the smell of some unknown drug, most likely to cover the smell of body parts either within or near the room. If it weren't for your tolerance to such drugs, you would have been at risk of collapsing.

After a while of hearing the egotistical boss and his speech about loyalty and how great he is, and bringing up this restaurant from nothing was finally over, and thus began the next fortnight, and at last, the new menu was here. "I've selected you 10 to serve this month's diamond VIPs, remember they are regulars and deserve only the best, so I will be calling out the names of each table so memorise them, and recommended a table to each guest there are only 12 tables in total so don't fuck it up," he demands, glaring at certain employees who seem particularly, nervous. "Sato-san has especially refined tastes so this month we've included some mafioso in the menu today-" he goes to say before he's interrupted, and before you know it, an employee's head flies off, and the swishing noise of a wire is heard for a moment followed by a faint glistening light. It was almost as if you were watching their reactions in slow motion as they all turned into a panic and started screaming in horror; you would think that blood would be nothing to them; however, it seems it's different when it's someone they know.

Before you know it, most of the staff and the guests waiting outside are without heads, and you have the restaurant boss cornered. He had already pissed himself out of pure terror of what he witnessed; aside from him, everyone was either dead or turned into dolls right in front of his very eyes. "W-who are you!?" he yells, trying to back up even more; however, his back hits the wall. "You seem to misunderstand," you respond, yanking onto his hair to force his head backwards. "I will be searching every hidden compartment of these overly lavish tables, and if I happen to find my friend's head in here, I will be taking your head," you inform the male of what will soon happen to him. "W-wait you can't!" he yells out in terror, desperately trying to writhe out of your grip to no avail. "Oh? And why is that?" you ask, seething with fury as you drag him along while you open yet another hidden compartment within a table, which reveals various parts of people inside with a head in its middle as if it were a centrepiece; however, once again it wasn't Hotaru. "B-because-" he tries to respond but fails to come up with anything to convince you. "Because what exactly? Here you are squirming like a poor lamb yet you seem to think I have any qualms about beheading you?" you ask, and while your voice was calm inside, boiling with rage. "B-because the Port Mafia will be a-after you if you do!" he yells, still helplessly at your mercy. "Just who do you think sent me?" you ask, opening another table to reveal the next person within the dark oak rounded table. "W-wait! S-surely we can make a deal, whatever y-you-" he exclaims as a last ditch effort, but before he can finish, his head is already rolling on the floor. "Time's up, you piece of shit," you respond. To think you would have to make use of the lightest guillotine, as Dazai called it and the very thing he gifted you back when you were 14 and doing odd jobs for him. Sighing, you try to rub off the blood on your cheek with your hand, but to no avail, as it only smears it.

However, you failed to notice a particular mafioso behind you who had only entered the room moments ago. "What the hell was that contraption just now!?" he yells, racing towards you, which causes you to turn around. He forcefully grabs your dominant hand and pulls your kimono sleeve down, revealing the automatic winding machine fitted with a carbon steel piano wire. "Where did you get this from!?" he demands, yet you couldn't figure out why he was so upset over such a machine. "I was a gift some years ago during my time of doing odd jobs of that nature, I don't wear it within the Mafia so I don't understand why you're so upset about it," you reply with a blank expression. However, after glaring at you as if he were ready to throttle you, he finally lets go of you and turns around, refusing to comment. "You went overboard," he complains, looking around the room filled with guests and staff who had been relieved of their heads save for a few who had become dolls. "Anger makes you impulsive, and sorrow makes you waver, yet it is human to become enraged when you find the head of your drinking buddy on a platter, so please excuse my lack of humanity in such a situation," you answer, biting your lip in frustration not for the possibility of being punished by the Port Mafia for killing the cannibal boss but for not arriving soon enough to save someone you began to call a friend even if it was only amidst drinks. You weren't thinking straight; even now, you cannot calm the wrath within to the point you fail to notice the room had become quiet and continued like this for a few minutes until Chuuya broke the silence. "Let's go," he tells you, which breaks you from your thoughts.

You look at your drinking buddy once more before following Chuuya.

✧    ✧    ✧    ✧    ✧

It took many rewrites but at last, this chapter is out. I do hope this chapter wasn't too dark for you all but I felt the story needed a little kick to it and considering this is the Port Mafia things will occasionally become darker. And as always I hope you enjoyed yet another chapter. 

Take me to the dark side ✦ Chuuya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now