Chapter Seven | Planning it out

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*It had been a month after receiving the news of Hawks leading the mission to rescue you. Hawks had been stuck in his office day and night creating the perfect plan, barely eating or sleeping. Currently, Hawks was sitting at his desk in his casual wear, looking over the plans he came up with, his hair tangled and all over the place, he had dark eye bags under his eyes and looked a bit crazy. Mirko entered his office holding two cups of coffee in her hands, she then noticed Hawks quickly going over towards the board, pinning some images he had printed out from the internet.*

"Hawks, you need to take a break from this whole plan of yours... you're gonna wear yourself out before you could even save her."

*Mirko said in a concerned tone, setting down the two coffees on the small coffee table, and taking a seat on the couch. Hawks was reading over the plans quickly, placing his hand over his chin and rubbing it, nodding his head quickly at the information.*

"The quicker I come up with the plan the quicker I can save her! The plan has to be perfect- nothing can go wrong. And I even made sure of that! I have a plan if she disappears again- if they manage to defeat us- if a certain part of the plan fails- I have everything planned out!"

*Hawks said with a bright smile on his face, his eye twitching slightly as he looked back at Mirko, his eyes red from the lack of sleep. Mirko grabbed her cup of coffee and held it in her hands as she looked at the male with wide eyes before taking a small sip. She swallowed what she drank then sighed once again,*

"That's great that you're planning this out and making it perfect but- you need to make sure you are in good shape and can go through with the plan."

*She said before setting her cup of coffee down on the table standing up, walking over towards the board, and looking it over. Once she was finished reading it she turned her attention toward the male, crossing her arms over her chest,*

"Why don't you take the day off and go home and get some rest... eat some food and take a shower. I will stay here and fix this- as much as this plan is good some spots need to be more... smart."

*Mirko said with a small chuckle, glancing her attention back at the board. Hawks looked at the woman before turning his attention back to the board. He realized maybe he was rushing the plan so some spots didn't look very good together. He finally gave in and sighed out, moving his hair out of his face and rubbing it gently,*

"Alright... thanks Mirko, but first thing tomorrow we are discussing it together... then we are telling Madam President."

*Hawks said with a small smile on his face, exhaling slightly and walking towards the door to exit his office. Once he was out of sight Mirko sighed gently, looking back at the board and looking it over once again, more in detail this time.*

"This is good... real good but- will it work?"

*Mirko thought before moving around some papers and details to make the plan make more sense. She knew his plan would work it just needed a bit more tweaking, to have it be in order and make it all come together. Once she was done she left his office with the two coffees, turning the lights off before shutting the door behind her.*

*It had been one long day since the talk between Hawks and Mirko. Hawks was in a much better state, in his hero costume, his hair nicely done and no longer the eye bags under his eyes, and he smelled like vanilla. Hawks and Mirko had explained the plans to one another before they entered the office of Madam President. She, Yokumiru, Endeavor, and the two were sitting at the round table, the plans shown on a screen protector, images, and writing being shown.*

"Alright, Hawks... we gave you a whole month to plan this out... what do you have in store?"

*Madam President asks as she leans back into her chair, her arms folded across her lap as she waits for his reply. Hawks took a deep breath before exhaling slightly, clearing his throat before he stood up from his seat, standing up towards the front and grabbing a feather, using it as a pointer.*

"As we know... Y/N was kidnapped by One For All as a child and brainwashed into becoming a villain. Knowing that information we know she wasn't designed to BE an actual villain. She had dreams to be a hero, she would tell me every day."

*Hawks started to speak, his voice trembling slightly at the thought of talking about you. Mirko had noticed this and placed her hand on his arm to help calm him down. Hawks took another deep breath, exhaling out feeling the comfort from Mirko. He then pointed to an image of a brain with evil thoughts being brought into it.*

"She was brainwashed which means there is a cure for it, a cure to save her. The only way to cure that brainwashing is to open her mind up and make her realize who she is and what she wants to become. Remind her of her past, of me... I am the cure of fixing her."

*He continued to explain, closing his eyes for a minute before opening them back up, glancing down at the floor before looking back up at the three, his eyes narrowing and his voice becoming more stern as he spoke.*

"Knowing this information, I've come up with a plan that can be guaranteed to save her, but I will need some help from you guys."

*He explained more turning towards the projector. Madam President sat quietly in her seat, listening to the male explain the plan he's been planning, listening closely for any important details. Endeavor was listening as well, his arms crossed as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing at the male.*

"I will be in charge of Y/N, the other members of The League Of Villains will most likely be on the line so I need Mirko and Endeavor distracting them, keeping them away from her at all costs. And you Madam President, I need you to make sure the government is keeping a close eye on All For One, making sure no other villains are trying to break him out. If he manages to escape while this happens... the plan will not go smoothly."

*Hawks explained as he looked at everyone, tucking away his feathered sword back in his wings. Mirko grinned brightly at the male, nodding her head in understanding then laughing out with excitement,*

"So all we have to do is defeat the bad guys... easy enough for me!"

*Mirko said with a laugh. Endeavor looked towards the male, raising his eyebrow at the male in curiosity.*

"What are you gonna do to make Y/N come to her senses? You know brainwashing isn't that simple to snap out of."

*Endeavor said sternly towards the male. Hawks looked over towards Endeavor, nodding his head at him in understanding.*

"I understand that, however, if my plan of trying to open her eyes to good doesn't work. If I could capture her, maybe the government or a hospital could do something about that... maybe find a way to wash it out of her brain."

*Hawks explained to the male, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, feeling a bit anxious if the plan wouldn't work. Madam President sat up from her seat, leaning her arms against the table, and spoke out,*

"Or a scientist. If a scientist can create people into nomu's, there's a chance they could erase brainwashing."

*Hawks looked over at the woman, his eyes lighting up with hope. She was right, scientists have figured out things that we haven't even seen, so it could work.*

"So are you saying you will help? Maybe find a scientist who is willing to help?"

*He questioned, Madam President nodded her head at the male, standing up from her seat with her hands leaning against the table,*

"If what you're saying is true, there's a way to get rid of the brainwashing... this girl needs our help, and I trust that you know what you're doing. I'm willing to give it a try."

Forbidden Love / Hawks x Reader (Fem)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum