Chapter One | Reunited

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"... Y/N?" 

*Hawks said in disbelief as he stared at you, not even believing it was you, the girl that was always by his side as a kid... the girl he would vent to whenever things were tough... the girl who made his days brighter was... gone.*

Your happy and sunny personality was now replaced with a dark and depressing aura. He couldn't believe just how much you had changed in the last couple of years. You were wearing a dark black jumpsuit, your (color hair choice) was in two French braids going down your back, and your sweet and kind face was now replaced by a cold and blunt look.

"Y/N.. what- what happened to you? Where have you been? What- What did they do to you?"

*Hawks asked you with a look of worry and concern on his face, so many thoughts running through his head at the possibilities of what happened and what they had done to you. He then watched you pull out your whip from your back making his eyes go wide. She... she doesn't recognize me? He thought as he continued to look at the girl, his heart aching slightly at the sight.*

"Y/N.. Y/N it's me! It's me, Keigo!" 

*He desperately called out towards you, watching you slowly come towards him, your (color eye choice) and bright eyes now dark and heavy, it was like he was looking at a whole different person.*

"Hey...! Are you listening to me? Y/N!" 

*Hawks shouted towards you as he slowly stepped back away from you. No facial expression changed as you stared down at the male, spinning the whip in your hands. Hawks couldn't bring himself to fight you, the clutch on his sword loosening as he dropped his sword to the ground, the feathers flying throughout the air as they fell.*

"I don't know what happened to you all those years ago... but I've been searching for you, day and night! I couldn't stop thinking about you when I found out you were taken captured! I saw you on the news that night you were kidnapped.. I was devastated, I ran away from home just to try and find you!"

*Hawks yelled towards you, hoping his words would shock you and snap you out of the brainwashing. He didn't know how it worked exactly, but he was gonna find a way to save you, no matter what he had to go through. He wasn't gonna let this happen to you, let you go through this alone, not gonna let you be this evil person when he knew you were the sweetest and kindest girl he knew, he was gonna save you.*

"Listen... whatever they did to you we can fix it! We can go back to our normal lives! You can be the hero you always wanted to be, we can be that hero duo we wanted to be since we were kids! We can be together again.. you just have to come to your senses, please!"

*Hawks pleaded towards you, desperation and hope in his voice as small tears made ways into his eyes. As much as he was hurting, he had to keep his guard up towards you, in case you decided to strike a move on him.*

*You on the other hand were just staring at the male, his words meant nothing to you. Your eyes full of nothingness, your body in a fighting stance, and your grip tightening around your whip, a small growl escaping from your lips,*

"I don't know what your talking about... I had no childhood, I had no friends or family! I was all on my own... until master AFO saved me! He gave me this beautiful and wonderful life! He trained me to be this beautiful person I am today! I've never been happier..."

*You laugh manically as you look at the male, a small evil like smirk spreading across your face. You then sigh slightly, swinging your whip all around as you walk around the male, slowly running your fingers through his feathers on his wings, causing Hawks to shiver at the touch, keeping his eyes on you, narrowing them slightly.*

"You know.. you could always join me... you would love this beautiful life I have... you get power, friends, family... and hey? You also get famous just for showing your face! How fun is that? Everyone will know your face by the end of the day!"

*You yell as you laugh, pulling a feather out of Hawks's wings, glancing down at the feather you clutch in your hand, causing him to wince slightly and twitch from the pain. Hawks makes eye contact with you, his eyes full of worry and sadness, and a bit of anger as he speaks,*

"Y/N... your not yourself! They brainwashed you into thinking that! These villains aren't your friends and family, they're your enemy! You should be fighting them, not teaming with them!"

"Shut up! You don't know anything about them! I grew up with them, they raised me as one of their own! And look where it's gotten me... I'm powerful and strong!"

*You laugh more, the whip in your hand glowing slightly as you walk closer towards Hawks, moving your face closer to his, your breaths breathing on each others skin as you smirk down at him, your eyes meeting his,*

"And quit calling me Y/N, I go by the name Siren now."

*You say coldly before kicking back Hawks in the chest with your foot, causing him to go flying into a nearby building. Hawks groans in pain from the kick, coughing out slightly from the smoke, taking a breath from the sudden attack and spreading his wings out to avoid them getting damaged. He then slowly looks up at you, one eye closed and the other open, watching you come towards him once again. He then sighs out and slowly stands up, stumbling slightly but soon reaching back towards his wings and creating his two feathered swords, a metal sound being heard from them. He clutches on the handle of his swords, his eyes meeting with yours as a stern look appears on his face,*

"Fine.. if fighting you is the only way to save you... then so be it."

Forbidden Love / Hawks x Reader (Fem)Where stories live. Discover now