╰┈ chapter xxviii. | damn, kalim.

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


“Oh? You got mad at Umiushi-senpai?” Floyd tilted his head before letting out a laugh. “Hahaha! I wasn't expecting you to scold him!”

[Y] whined, “I don't know how I'm gonna face Malleus after yelling at him.”

“So, you're planning to hide away from him for the rest of the day?” Floyd inquired.

“I wouldn't say the rest of the day. I just needed some time to think before I'll be able to face him again.” The [h] haired male sighed, fiddling his sideburns. He doesn't know if he ever wants to face Xiao either.

“That weirdo and Umiushi-senpai don't get along, do they?” The moray mumbled while leaning on the doorframe.

“A-ah, it's alright. I'm sure I'll be able to handle this.” The [h] haired male smiles timidly

“Ah. Umiushi-senpai is on his way over.” Floyd pointed out. [Y] stood up in panic before grabbed the teal haired male’s wrist and pulled him in the locker that was enough for the sophomores to fit in.

“[Y]...?” The two heard Malleus calling for the male. Though he wasn't alone, he was with his dorm members. “Ah, he's not here…? It appears that I have broken one rule as well.”

“Don't worry, Waka-sama! He must be back at the dorm!” Sebek suggested. Silver sighed, “Stop yelling or you'll break the stained glass works.”

“Shut it, Silver!”

“Now, now, boys. Let's just head to the dorm and see if we can find him there.” Lilia chuckled. He took a glance at the locker, knowing that the [h] haired male was in there, but he kept quiet. Malleus frowned, “I see. Then let us go.”

The two males in the locker heard the footsteps fade away which gave them the sign that they had left the clubroom. [Y] sighed with relief, “They're gone…”

Floyd felt his heart thumping, not because of the space, but at how close [Y] was to his chest. [Y]’s hands were pressed against his chest as well which is enough for the [h] haired male to feel the taller male’s heart thumping faster than normal.

“Floyd…?” [Y] blinked bewilderingly on why the male's heart is racing. “Are you ok? Do small spaces make you nervous?”

Floyd frowned before slowly caressing [Y]’s face, “You're so dense, [Y]...”

“E-eh?! He calls me by my name! Is he mad at me?!” [Y] sweatdropped. He tensed up when he noticed Floyd leaning closer, “W-w-wait…Is he…?”

“I couldn't hold it any longer…” the teal haired male whispered. Before [Y] could say anything, he was pulled in a kiss. This is the second kiss! The second kiss! [Y]’s face turned entirely red when he felt Floyd's tongue slip in. The [h] haired male tightening his grasps on Floyd's shirt, “@.@ A…ah. J-just like in the BL manga! A-are we…? Are we gonna…? I…I…”

❝𝖒𝖎𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖗 𝖒𝖎𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖗 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖑❞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang