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NOT EDITED. Prepare yourself for incorrect grammars, and weird wordings.

In a blink of an eye, a month had passed since that dinner at Christian's where Mark left early after an outburst. He had been avoiding Cathy like his life depended on it, and when they did converse, it was forced and rude. Which broke Cathy's heart because he was her friend since they got their masters. She couldn't believe Mark would throw it all away just because he couldn't accept whom she's dating. 

Pelle suggested that maybe Mark was jealous, to which Cathy laughed at the idea. Mark? Jealous? He didn't even cared when his ex girlfriend kissed another guy to get his attention, why would he be jealous of his female friend? The idea of Mark liking Cathy was ridiculous to her. He never showed any romantic interest before, so why would he be upset, he doesn't even have to rights to that.

Cathy continued to rant about Mark's sudden change of behavior to her boyfriend. They were spending time gardening at Pelle's balcony garden. Well, Pelle was the one who was working his green thumbs off, Cathy was just ranting and admiring her boyfriend at the same time. She never thought a man who loves to garden would be such a turn on. Pelle claimed that planting helps him relax, he also shared that he happened to be quite a grower horticulturist back at the Harga. Cathy finds it cute the way he bragged about himself, the way he showed her that swoon worthy smile of his—oh he definitely knew what he was doing.

Cathy was ranting about something, when suddenly her eyes were stuck to Pelle's figure. He was just crouching to mend plants that had grew weed, and yet Cathy found him so distracting that she forgot her rant half way. Fuck it. Cathy stood up and approached her boyfriend, launched herself on his lap. Pelle fell down on his butt, holding his dirty hands on Cathy's waist for support, but she didn't mind. Staring down into his blue eyes, Cathy smiled and pecked his lips softly. Pelle breathed out a little before kissing her back. Entangling her fingers in Pelle's hair, she clenched it which made him curse slightly in his native language. Pelle quickly removed his gloves and lifted his hands to cup her neck, deepening the kiss when suddenly his phone lit up as a notification came through. Pelle read the message from Josh before sighing, "I guess we're going to a party." As tempting as it was to skip the offer, they knew Josh would not be happy, and the couple didn't want to spend the rest of the week with him being sarcastically mean to them.

The first thing Cathy noticed at the party was Dani, which shocked her because she didn't think she would come along. Dani was standing in between Chrstian and Mark, looking aloof and uncomfortable, but you could tell she was trying to appear social. Cathy pouted slightly, understanding where her cousin was coming from. The boys aren't exactly the most welcoming set of people in the room. Heck, Mark literally tried to force Christian to dump Dani months ago.

If Cathy were in Dani's place, Cathy would prefer to be with the right people whom can cheer her up. It's mainly the only reason why Cathy is moving on quite well from her loss, Pelle was there for her to make her happy. Cathy knew Dani needed that sort of relationship too.

When Cathy and Pelle reached the group, she excused herself from her boyfriend and immediately went to hug her cousin from behind. Dani panicked at first but she saw it was Cathy, she let her guard down and wrapped her arms around her, "I missed you." Dani whispered lowly as she breathed out in relief.

"Gosh, I miss you so much. I'm sorry I didn't get to visit you last week, I'm just glad exams are over." Cathy sighed out loud as she pulled Dani away from the boys to get a drink. "Speaking of exams, did they approved to give you an extra semester?" Cathy yelled slightly as they entered a loud kitchen.

"Fortunately, yeah they did. At least that's one less thing to worry." She yelled back. Cathy nodded in agreement as they picked up a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and went towards the corner of the room, where the area was more secluded.

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