Chapter 7 - Mission

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Ron the twins and I meet after dark outside the burrow where Arthur keeps his car.

"We are taking a car?" I ask, "surely our brooms would be better."
"You see this isn't a normal muggle car this one can fly like our brooms and it will be able to carry Harry's luggage," Fred tells me and I immediately understand.

We all get in the car, Fred and George upfront, Ron and me in the back, it's going to be a tight when Harry gets in. We realise that we are going to be in the car for quite a while and so we decide to chat for the length of the journey, eventually the topic moved onto Hogwarts.

"So Sky are you looking forward to going back?" The twins ask in union.
"In a way I am and in a way I aren't," I tell them.
"Why's that," Ron joins the conversation.
"Well, I'm looking forward to getting back to my lessons and seeing my friends but I think any time spent in the common room or dorms is going to be awful."
"Draco?" Ron asks.
"More than that," I tell him, "you see, Draco is like the king of Slytherin's, at least of out year group and so when I basically declared him my enemy at the end of last year I became the enemy of my whole house."
"That's Slytherin for you," Fred says.
"I'm still a Slytherin Fred, I'm the seeker of the house team, oh no, you've just reminded me, what if I've been kicked off the team," I start to panic.
"You can't have been," George tells me, "you're their best player even if they all hate you, even if Flint was stupid enough to try Snape wouldn't let him, he would care too much about beating us, I imagine you're Snape's favourite student at the moment you're the reason he won the house cup and Quidditch tournament."

I'm relieved to hear that even if they hate me that my spot on the team is safe.

"What's the address again?" Fred asks.
"Four Pivot Drive," I tell him.
"Ta," he thanks me quickly.

It's not long as we are outside Harry's bedroom window, we attach the bars on his window to the car and rip them out of the wall. We quickly scramble Harry into the car as we can see his Uncle running up behind him. We set off but unfortunately Vernon manage to grab Harry's ankle and so when he can no longer hold on he ends up falling into the garden below Harry's window. I hug Harry hello pleased he is now safe. We head straight back to the Burrow.

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