An un-expected report

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America's Perspective

"Good Morning Ill'ea, here is an early and special report to show the progress of new King and Queen and their un-dying love story." Gravil turn the microphone to me and Maxon waiting for us to answer "Good Morning Gravil how are you?" Maxon response with the least bothered look he can give, I nod my head and smile at the camera "O, I'm fine but everyone wants to know what happened on your blissful honeymoon?" we both look at each other debating if we should share and then May pops up behind us giving an answer "I'm Gravil but that is classified, married couples need privacy." sh winks telling Gravil we will spill the details later. He cuts off the camera and ask if he can get some pictures, agree and snap a couple for local magazines and such.

And then out of no where I throw up all over my dress and then every thing goes black I can hear Maxon asking if I'm ok and mom feeling my for head for a fever, and Kenna and May trying to rush the people to get out of the room.

Maxon Perspective

I carried America to our room and gathered doctors and nurse around her "I'm King Maxon but you have to leave for safety reason of your wife." I shook my head and left "Maxon is America okay? Whats wrong with her?" I ignored her mother and the rest of her family because i wanted to be alone for reason I felt this was my fault.

The doctors didn't leave until late at night "We gave her some medication and she should be fine her morning sickness is a little bad so you might want to stay off her feet and congrats." I took in everything he said and then it hit me he said morning sickness that means America is pregnant, I ran to tell her family "She's pregnant she pregnant!" I said as I ran through the hallway. I hear her mother and sisters sitting in the woman's room and I shove the room door open even though I know I have to have permission to enter "I'm gonna b a daddy!" everyone looks at me like I'm crazy and then it sinks in, they all run to hug me and we leave to go see America.

I knock on the door and don't get an answer so I enter quietly and there she lays fast asleep like the night before. She is wearing her pajamas and Mary is sitting next to her "O, she sleeping fine, and she has threw up a couple more times but nothing is ruined and her medication is on the night stand and congratulations on the baby I knew it would happened." I say thank you and walk over to America "O hi honey, what are all doing here?" I rub her forehead and smooth her hair "Your pregnant America." She turned her head to the side in confusion and her eyes widen with excitement "We are having a baby, i'm gonna be a mommy?!" I shook my head yes and kissed her head, cheeks, and lips and then her belly. This little person here in her belly is my child and the next prince or princess of Ill'ea.

I'm glad that I finally got to America's pregnancy I hope this will bring some comments and maybe more reads.I also am thinking of having a miscarriage or her just have more than one baby comment which you think is better. Enjoy

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