Chapter 1

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I arrived at the tall gates of Kumogakure and looked up at them, then looked back at the village, saying my goodbyes to all my friends who would have ignored me anyway.

I started walking out and as soon a stepped foot on the other side of the gates, there was a lighning flash and heavy rain. I started to walk down the mountain unknowing of where I was going.


I had been walking for weeks, stopping at night to make a fire and sleep, and finding berries and nuts to eat. I finally stumbled across the small village of Iwagakure (Hidden Stone Village) in the Land of Earth. I was there until I was eleven, when I finally had enough of that place. No one was nice. There was one other kid that I had seen that was always sitting alone and being picked on. Oh look, another me. I was always picked on so I knew what he felt.

That night I left, heading southeast through the dark, never ending forest.


I was walking for a few hours and I was getting tired. I had no tent, just a small sleeping bag and some food some random guy had given me. This would have to do for now. I set it up, ate some bread, and tried to sleep.

I dreamt about my old life, when I still had my parents and friends. How much fun I had...

I woke up to a rustling, and listened. I disregarded it as the wind.

Big mistake.

The last thing I remember was a masked face, and a red head, before feeling a sharp pain in my shoulder as I slowly faded into the dark realm known as unconsciousness.


I woke up on a soft bed, in a dark room, with black, rocky walls. I couldn't move, no matter how much I tried.

I head muffled voices outside the door and somehow I managed to turn my head towards the door. It started to slowly creak open, followed by a thin ray of light shining directly in my eyes, blinding me.

"No, leave her be," a soft, fluid male voice said, "She wouldn't be able to respond anyway."

The door squeaked closed, then, whoever was there, left.

What's gonna happen to me? I started to think about my place in life, Why was I here? Why was I put through all this torture of heartache and mocking? I was beginning to think that I was going to die here in this horrid place. I fell asleep with those questions running through my head over and over, none of which would probably, never be answered.





I woke up and the sun was peaking through the window right into my eyes. Squinting, I sat up and stretched, finding my left wrist handcuffed. "What...why am I-oh who am I kidding. It doesn't matter anymore, no one would even notice that I'm gone. I have nowhere to go."

"So, you're finally awake?"

I jumped startled, unaware of his presence. It was a guy with black hair and red eyes with pronounced tear troughs. How long has he been there? Was he watching me the whole time?

"So, you're not going to talk, are you?" his voice was fluid but rough at the same time.


"Itachi Uchiha"


"In the Akatsuki hideout on the southwestern border of the Land of Fire."


"We saw your potential," the guy with red hair walked in.

"What's your name?" Itatchi asked me.

"Uh...Ki-" I gulped, "Kiki."

"Well, Kiki, is there somewhere in particular you were headed."

"No, I-I just wanted to get away from where I was." I said in a terrified voice.

"How about a goal?" Itatchi asked. The red head was just standing there, silent and unmoving, eyes closed staring the floor.

"Well, I do want to become strong enough to kill the Raikage for killing my parents."

"What if we said that we can help you do that." Red Head was still silent.


"We are a group of some of the most powerful ninjas around." And the read head finally speaks!

"Well, what do you say, will you let us help you?" asked Itatchi.


"Good, training will start tomorrow." Itatchi and Red Head left.


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Or lizards with tissues and hand sanatizer will attack you....or will they??? *shifty eyes of random doomly demise* (What? Idk...Brian the brain told me to say that...or did he? *shifty eyes of randomly doo-*) I GET IT!

lol ^.^"

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