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Maria POV

I had to admit, Hell was in worse condition than I had thought... Lucifer and I walked down the sidewalk and I grimaced, cringing as I nearly stepped into a pile of someone's intestines. "Eeeegggh..." I gagged, highly disgusted at the state of ruin my younger brother's kingdom was in. "Don't worry, scattered guts are a normal thing around here..." Lucifer sighed, clearly not entirely content with the fact himself either. We walked for about another twenty minutes before we reached the front door of the hotel. "I'm back!" Lucifer hollered, hanging his overcoat on a coat rack in the entryway of the hotel. "HEY DAD!" A young woman yelled, popping out from behind the front desk and running over to hug him. "Heya Charlie! I brought the friend I told you about the other day! And guess what? She agreed to help out with the hotel!" Lucifer announced, nodding in my direction. "OH MY GOSH HI! I'm Charlie, and welcome to The Hazbin Hotel!" She greeted, eagerly offering her hand for me to shake. 

"What a professional young lady, I've gotta say you raised a good one Lulu, I can tell. You can call me Maria." I smiled, taking Charlie's hand and shaking it. "Not only that but I finally get to meet my niece for the first time ever!" I added. "Wait, niece? Dad, you have a sister?!" Charlie squealed in excitement and hugged me suddenly before quickly backing off for a moment and apologizing. "Sorry about that, you are okay with hugs right?" She inquired. "No need to apologize dear, and of course, hugs are always welcome." I nodded. Charlie smile smiled and hugged me again, her joyful expression never faltering. 

Lucifer POV

"I must say, she most definitely got your enthusiasm Luci." Maria laughed. "One of the many traits she inherited from me." I beamed proudly. "Ah, so she must have gotten her professionalism from her other parent then, yes?" Maria teased. "Like you're much better..." I scoffed. "At least I can stay on topic during a meeting and not go off on some completely random and unrelated tangent in front of The High Council..." She reminded with a smug expression. "For Dad's sake, that was one time!" I groaned, dragging my hand down my face in frustration and embarrassment. "Eh, that's debatable..." Maria shrugged. "Anywho, why don't you give me the grand tour?" I asked Charlie, changing the subject.

Charlie POV

"Oh yes! But of course, before we get to that, I thought it would be a good idea for you to meet the rest of the staff!" I mentioned. "Oh yes, of course, that would make sense." Maria agreed. "Niffty?" I called. "Yeeeeeesssss~?" The small demon responded, scurrying over to where the three of us were standing. "Can you round up the rest of the hotel staff and tell them to come to the main lobby? There's someone I want to introduce to everyone." I requested. "Right away!" Niffty saluted before running off to find the others. 

"Okay, we're here now, can I change back into my regular clothes?" Maria asked. "Fine... I guess you can wear your normal outfit while you're in the hotel, but make sure you're wearing this whenever you go out." Dad told her. "Yeah, yeah, whatever..." Maria rolled her eyes before snapping her fingers, there was a bright flash of light and suddenly she was wearing a completely different outfit.

Maria POV

"Ah, now that's more like it..." I sighed, stretching my wings up and out behind me. "Oof! Thanks for smacking me in the face there..." Lucifer stated, spitting out the feathers that had gotten into his mouth. "Sorry bout that little bro." I chuckled to myself. "It's fine I guess, but I could've sworn they weren't nearly this big last time I saw you..." Lucifer commented. "Yeah, I don't know why but something has caused them to grow significantly over the last few centuries..." I told him. "Wait... You're an Angel?!" Charlie squeaked with stars in her eyes. "Well, yes and no, I have the power and Divine Favor of an Angel but unfortunately, I lost the actual title of Angel eons ago..." I shrugged. "So what is your title now then?" Charlie wondered. "I am a ruler." I told her. "Like dad?" She asked. "That would be correct." I nodded. "That is so cool!" Charlie gasped, stars still present in her eyes. "Charlie!" A voice rang out from behind Charlie. The voice came from a tall, slim Demon with beige skin and an unnaturally wide grin with sharp yellow teeth. He wore a red striped jacket and black dress pants, he also had a black rimmed monocle and and carried a rather old timey looking microphone. "Niffty tells me there's going to be a new face, joining us here at the hotel that you wanted us to meet, anyways I just wanted to let you know everyone is present and ready to meet them." He informed. "Thanks for letting me know Al, will be right over." Charlie nodded, and just like that he was gone. "Well you heard him let's go get you introduced everyone." She smiled, pulling me along by the hand, until the two of us were stood in front of a small group of demons. Lucifer stood behind the sofa. The other demons were sitting on. It felt a tad awkward for me as I could feel more eyes on my wings than my face. "Who's this dollface?" One of them asked, referring to me. "I'm Maria, and no I'm not an Angel, technically at least..." I told them. "What do you mean by technically?" Another demon questioned. "Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't actually the first Fallen Angel. My older sister was..." Lucifer explained. "but what does that have to do with her though?" The first demon wondered out loud. "Because I am his older sister..."

980 words 

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